View Full Version : Is it just a beer belly

Mar 20, 2008, 07:43 AM
[F]my father use to drink a lot about 7 years ago but he quit. But now he has this huge stomach. He calls it his beer belly but I think there is something wrong with his liver and he won't go to the hospital I'm afraid that if it doesn't get taken care of it will be too late :( :confused:

Mar 20, 2008, 07:59 AM
Most men gain their weight in the stomach area. Most women gain it in other area's. Probably all he needs to do is go on a diet and exercise. But a checkup is a good idea before that.

Mar 20, 2008, 10:10 AM
I have been retired for 2 years -- I put one weight when I lost my job

I really didn't eat that much but just became less active

I am trying to lose weight but it is a real pain in the posterior

Exercising and eating less -- eating the RIGHT foods

Older people have aches and pains -- tooth aches --need their sleep

CNN.com - Health - Researchers find link between sleep quality, weight gain in older men - August 16, 2000 (http://archives.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/men/08/16/sleep.recommendationns/)

Maybe you need to appeal to his fatherly instincts -- Tell him you need him

Can't afford to lose him or pay for him if he needs special care givers

Is there anyone he can work out with -- sometimes that helps