View Full Version : Whey Protein and Metabolism.

Mar 12, 2008, 07:25 PM
Would drinking small amounts of whey protein speed up the metabolism enough in order to get rid of small amounts of THC that could be found in ones system from Marijuana?

Mar 13, 2008, 03:51 PM
The whey protein comes from cow's milk and it's a complete, high qualtiy protein, which does boost your metabolism... but... There's a lot more to this, Marijuana can stay in your body 3-90 days after smoking. Your general health, body weight, metabolism, fluid intake, amount, frequency, quality of, all make calculations of how long it will take to remove it from your system difficult to pin point. 3-30 days is the norm, if you've been taking it a few days before your test, it can be detected in the urine up to a month after the last time you smoked. If you smoke occasionally up to 10 days, on a regular basis as long as 45 days, and if you're a constant user up to 90 days.
Marijuana is fat soluble meaning it is stored in your fat cells, brain, liver, kidneys.. (all major organs). And as far as Hair test it can be dected up to three year depending on quality of tests, if metabolites are checked, ( drugs are incorporated into the hair shaft from the bloodstream). So if you don't want to get caught, don't use it. That is the only sure way!