View Full Version : We just broke up

Mar 4, 2008, 07:19 PM
Hi me and my girlfriend of 2 months just broke up

She just broke up with me because she said that she really needs to focus on her schoolwork and that she doesn't feel the same about me anymore

I was starting to feel the same way to... she had gotten in trouble and lost her phone and computer for a couple days and without her there I felt single again and I didn't like it, but I was starting to realize that maybe I didn't feel the same anymore but I didn't know so I never said anything.

I would appreciate any help that you guys could possibly give me... thank you!!

She happens to be in my 2nd period class and I'd sit next to her every class, she said that I can still do that, but to me, it would feel weird, plus I don't fit in with that class... im an athlete and I'm not into drama, but luckily I had her to help me through it, but I no longer do.

Mar 4, 2008, 08:42 PM
It looks bad because you have to spend every day with her and that makes you feel hurt. I don't blame you. What you should try and do is sit somewhere else and find a secondary companion in the room, a guy or even another girl. The semester will be over eventually. I had to face a girl I dated for two years everyday in College because we were in the same department, and it was uncomfortable. Eventually though we started talking again, not on the level that we had been dating, but a boundary was drawn and she knew I wasn't going to make any advances, and neither should you. The only problem is, it may take two of you a couple of weeks of not talking for you two to do some thinking. Its also a good thing because you begin to learn what your looking for in a girl. I wouldn't worry, Other people can help you through the course, she isn't the end of the world in that department. Meeting new people is never a bad thing, unfortunately you might be forced to, to pass this class.. :( If you have a good teacher, maybe they'll hear you about your little falling out. It is just a drama class.

Mar 4, 2008, 08:57 PM
The class is required in order to graduate...

Well, me and her made a plan to talk on Friday because I don't want to end our relationship with a phone call... whatever happens then, happens... I really would like to see if she would like to give us another try, but I don't know.

Mar 5, 2008, 03:33 PM
This is so hard, whenever I see her in the halls and in class I have to fight back tears

Mar 5, 2008, 05:20 PM
whenever i see her in the halls and in class i have to fight back tears

Don't fight them. Go somewhere private and let them out. You'll feel better, and you need to learn how to release these feelings, else they'll back you up and make you think things that aren't even true... such as how much you really need to be back with her.

You both had moved on emotionally before you ever actually broke up, but you managed to move on and remain civil. Honor that. It's going to hurt a bit every now and then... that is until another girl gets your full attention. Then the tears will stop and she'll move back into the realm of just "girls you know."

Until then, don't fret these occasional burst of emotion, it's just you learning to cope. It's fine.

Mar 5, 2008, 08:00 PM
The thing is, this is the first girl to ever really care about me... yeai had this LDR thing with a girl in Ohio but that doesn't count it my books.

This girl was my first kiss and it happened on my bed and whenever I see my bed I can't stop thinking about her... I do need to try to not fight back the tears, its so hard though... I thought our relationship was going good, then all of a sudden she just text messaged me and asked if she could call, and I was like of course, then when I picked up the phone we said hey, and what's up(stuff like that) and then she was like I think we should break up... she told me that she needed to focus on her school work cause her dad is starting to buckle down on her and that she doesn't feel that same as she did before.

The funny thing is that I'm not really to sad over this, I just miss her so incredibly much.