View Full Version : Wheezing rat

Mar 4, 2008, 12:35 PM
We have a rat that is wheezing and sneezing a lot. None of the local vets know anything about rats. We lost two out of the three already, and although The last rat is doing better then they were, he is still sick. This particular one is my husbands first pet ever, and it would be traumatizing for him to lose Morty, but we don't know what to do, especially when they vets around can't tell us anything. He's not an old rat, only a few months in age. For some reason apart form the wheezing and sneezing, his "family jewels" which he use to be especially endowed with, have all but vanished. Is there anyone who knows rats??

Mar 4, 2008, 01:28 PM
Sounds like a respiratory infection to me, obviously I am not a vet, but I've got some experience with animals... keep the rat in a warm place away from drafts, dust, etc. Try changing out its bedding for something that does not create a lot of dust and is not made of wood, perhaps. If the vets cannot figure it out they should at least listen to the lungs and see if they are clear, if not, they should try to call somewhere else that knows about rats to find out about some kind of a decongestant. Make sure the air is not too dry or too humid around the cage, and provide plenty of water for it to drink.