View Full Version : Do you have to evict a live-in nanny?

Feb 26, 2008, 07:12 PM
I am hiring a live-in nanny. Actually I am exchanging free rent in exchange for child care. Is this person my nanny or my roommate? If anything goes wrong can I just terminate the person? My biggest concern would be if they get mail at my house would they be entitled to "squatter's rights" Would I have to evict them? I live in Georgia.

Feb 26, 2008, 07:15 PM
A nanny is an employee, whether paid in cash or bartered. When employment ends then have to leave.

Feb 26, 2008, 07:23 PM
I am hiring a live-in nanny. actually i am exchanging free rent in exchange for child care. Is this person my nanny or my roommate? If anything goes wrong can I just terminate the person? My biggest concern would be if they get mail at my house would they be entitled to "squatter's rights" Would I have to evict them? I live in Georgia.
OK so I need to write up an employment contract? I have tried to find contracts or some type of model on the internet and everything is either vague or you have to pay over a $100 for it. If it was your home what course of actions would you take to ultimately protect your assets and family.

Feb 26, 2008, 07:45 PM
Keep it simple. State the names of the parties and what each one brings to the contract.