View Full Version : My period last for a month what could it be from?

Feb 24, 2008, 12:55 PM
Yeah it started after I had my daughter about 4 years ago my period has been lasting me for a month at a time and I don't know what its from I'm currently not taking any pills or anything but I just want to know what it might be.:confused:

Feb 24, 2008, 01:47 PM
An irregular menstrual pattern may be an indication of ovulation problems and can be a major factor in infertility, however In order for a complete and accurate answer your medical history has to be examined fully. Is it heavy bleeding? Spotting? There are many things that can cause a woman menstruation to last so long. There are certain health conditions such as thyroids, endometriosis, fibroids, PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) hormone imbalance that can cause a period for a month. You did advise that you were not on any medications, however have you taken the depro shot? What is your age? I need more details in order to answer this question effectively. If this is a real concern to you in which it should be I advise you should see a doctor..

Feb 28, 2008, 10:37 AM
Are you currently on or have you been on either Depo-Provera Injection or the Ortho-Evera Birth Control patch? These products have hormones in them that cause your period to go wacky not only when you first start them, but also when you discontinue using them. If not, then it sounds like you may possibly be suffering from a hormone imbalance problem. The only way to be sure is to see a gynecologist and have a pap smear done. You can also see an endocrinologist who will measure your hormone levels to see if anything is unbalanced, but I would start with the gynecologist first. This could honestly be something as simple as a bleeding cyst or you could just need birth control pills to balance out your hormone levels. Either way, you need to see a professional, and since this is menstruation, you should start with the gynecologist.