View Full Version : Pubic hair maintenance

Feb 22, 2008, 08:25 PM
OK so I have tried to get help about this before, but it's too embarrassing in person.

I feel like I'm really hairy for a girl. I can handle plucking my eyebrows, shaving my legs/underarms but my pubic hair maintenance is beyond me. I feel like it's not only thicker but also longer than normal girls.

I recently got a nair bikini hair removal product and that's pretty good for trimming around the bikini lines (shaving used to give me bad razer burn)... but the length of my hair is still embarrassing.

I know people trim their hair but my hair's so thick, when I trim is it's sharp and pokes through my underwear/itches. I don't really know if there's any solution to this... but I want to wear swimsuits and potentially not wear anything without feel really embarrassed. I feel like it's a big deal for guys.

Anyway, I know it's a pretty personal question. Hope someone can help me!

Peripheral Visionary
Feb 22, 2008, 08:44 PM
How about getting it waxed?

Feb 22, 2008, 08:52 PM
I've waxed it works but is expensive for everyday use. Anyway, it's not so much the bikini line anymore that`s the problem it`s the length of the hair and how I trim it properly. Unless I waxed it all off but I don`t want to do that.

Peripheral Visionary
Feb 23, 2008, 01:56 AM
Oh I see your point.
The only other thing I could think of would be maybe using your regular shampoo and conditioner? Conditioner usually makes hair nice and soft. Or is there a product that men with beards use to make them softer? If you try anything like conditioner or something, just be sure you are careful not to get it anywhere where it could irritate delicate tissues down there and rinse well.

Feb 23, 2008, 09:35 PM
Don't be afraid of using a large, sharp scissors (carefully). Some use a small scissors or nail trimmer, but that takes me too long. Don't trim it too close, that increases prickliness. Fresh cut hair has fresh cut edges, they wear off. Conditioner, excellent idea. I gave up trying to fit with convention. I don't try to look like all the other women anymore. If the guys don't like me, oh well. I've worn leotard shorts and a sports bra to go swimming since age 23. You can feel supremely confident, no bikini line razor burn, and nothing, falls out.

Feb 25, 2008, 06:41 PM
I've waxed it works but is expensive for everyday use. Anyway, it's not so much the bikini line anymore that`s the problem it`s the length of the hair and how I trim it properly. Unless I waxed it all off but I don`t want to do that.

Another solution is a buzzer yes that's right a buzzer(clippers) you can use a number 2 head piece it will give you a close cut without the razor burns make sure to comb the pubic area clippers also elminates the risk of cutting yourself... then after you buzz it you can then wax it.. or leave it close.. a number 2 head clip will not give you a completely bald look but you will have little hair... make sure it is dry before buzzing it... A hair clipper is a great solution to get a close shave without the razor bumps...

Feb 29, 2008, 04:42 PM
:: Moved to Other Health & Wellness ::

Jul 23, 2009, 07:30 AM
I shave and it itches, I trim and it itches, I pluck and it sweats.

Solution in mind: laser the hair clean off and become a porn star so no questions will be asked. And if asked, you are a porn star its natural.