View Full Version : What's up with Mean Co-Workers?

Feb 21, 2008, 05:20 PM
I just started a job and for the first week this guy named "Jim" trained me. He also works in the same area and I see him daily.

At first I got the impression that he was laid back and enjoyed joking around and what not, as long as we also stayed on task. We'd have conversations about whatever and seemed to get along well.

Well, fast forward 1 month. This guy's attitude has completely changed toward me. At times I work directly across from him he'll completely ignore me and not say a word. He'll also act annoyed as if I'm not working fast enough or what not.

I tried making casual conversation with him today and he completely blew me off, and even made snide sarcastic remarks to me after that.

It seemed like he was in a better mood later so I tried joking around with him and for some reason he took what I said personally. [He had won some sports pool and I said that's how come he never works overtime]

Anyway he got really offensive and attacked verbally with some really nasty below the belt kind of stuff. He told me that he sensed a that I was angry about something and need to accept criticism better and that its part of the learning process.

I'm a good worker and am rather outgoing and got along quite well with my co workers right off the bat. Maybe he doesn't like seeing people succeed? Maybe he wants people to be as miserable as him? Or is it like the same concept how Seniors always hate the freshman?

Anyone know what makes people like this tick and how to deal with them?

Feb 21, 2008, 05:25 PM
Confront him out right and ask what his problem is with you

Feb 21, 2008, 09:08 PM
I think he perceives you as a threat to him. Maybe you are doing a better job. Maybe your pay is more. I would ask the supervisor for an opinion. Maybe the supervisor will tell you that the other employees has some serious personal problem(s) that affect him. I would say to the supervisor "I seem to have alienated Jim, but I have no idea what I did. Do you have any idea?" If he doesn't have any idea and doesn't tell you anything substantial about Jim, and doesn't tell you not to talk to Jim, talk to Jim. But be prepared that he may tell you something about yourself that he doesn't like that you can't change. I would think you have to handle this very carefully and keeping the supervisor apprised is important so you don't get the reputaion of causing problems in the workplace. The only employee I knew of that was anything like you have described, had serious problems and blowups occurred every few months for no reason. The only thing the fellow employees could do was ignore the guy and start documenting the episodes in prep for disciplinary action.

Mar 30, 2012, 02:58 AM
Don't try to be friendly with him. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Wish him well from a distance. A very great distance. A lot of people are medicated. Maybe he isn't taking his meds. Let him come to you. If not, oh well... Business only. No buddy, buddy. You're not there to win a popularity contest. Make your money and go home.

Mar 30, 2012, 03:09 AM
I've got bully at work. Mean as they come. The job is customer service if you can picture it, Mean to the customers, mean to the coworkers. The manger could care less. This bully has their nose in everyone's butt. Problem is they are smart and make money for the company even if everyone they come into contact with feels burnt and singed. They're right about disputes but their manner is totally abusive. They even attacked me physically one day. I had all I could do from hauling out and flattening them. And I can do that. I break bones. I was ready to press charges with a police report, the bully already has a bit of a record, but complained to the manager instead. That was when I found out he could give a hoot. Never even a reprimand. Nadda. Nothing.
Been stuck with this monster for 5 years.
I've learned a lot.
Probably some sort of payback for the crap I've dealt out.
They say in sales, you learn the most from your toughest customer. I sure would be tickled though to see when the boom comes down on that crap head.

Apr 7, 2012, 01:05 AM
If you can move on to another company - do it. This guy thinks it is OK to treat you badly and then make it look like you did something wrong. Start looking for another job - it is not worth it to take this kind of abuse at work. Trust me - I have been there and back and it does not look good for the company you are working for. Management may not know how to properly train which means teamwork and keeping the morale up - all kinds of things. Get out now and find something better. You are worth it. Take care.