View Full Version : Want to check if this is this vertigo or what

Feb 19, 2008, 06:11 PM
A couple times a day, lately every day, I feel like a swoosh down like on an elevator or a roller coaster. Is this vertigo?
I haven't had health insurance in about 3 years so I am hoping it is cause I can deal with that.
I haven't gotten dizzy in quit a few months.
Only other thing I can think is that I over did my antioxidents a bit last year but I haven't taken them in about two months now (since Dec.)

I don't have any ringing in ears or hearing problem.
I haven't been having headaches either.
My nose has been stuffed some.

Feb 19, 2008, 06:14 PM
Oh Gosh NO...

Both my Mom and Mother in law had it. When they would tilt there head back... they got very very dizzy. The had to sleep upright for awhile.

That doesn't sound the same. I'd call the doc just to be sure... don't you think?

Feb 19, 2008, 08:31 PM
What I want you to do first off is to go to your local Wal-Mart, pharmacy, whatever, and have your blood pressure taken at the machines that do it automatically, then report back.


Please give me all the supplements that you take. Sometimes, as I have PMd you about, supplements/meds work AGAINST each other.

Feb 19, 2008, 08:37 PM
K thanks. I always had very low blood pressure.
Last time I had it checked was last May 2007
Blood pressure was 104/78
Fasting sugar was 86

I will check tomorrow when I leave work if the Rite Aid or grocery pharmacy has one.
I am pretty sure they do.

I take B complex about three or four mornings a week
Hylaronic acid when my knees are cracking
Alpha lipoic acid about every other morning

Calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, at night -about every other night

Then on the weekends I sometimes take a digestive detox if I feel bloated -about 12 pills a month.
Contains milk thistle, dandelion root, yellow dock root and beet root

I did take a ephedrine on Feb 5 and Feb 7 (2 weeks ago) because I just started a new job and wasn't use to being on my feet all day.
I am use to it now though.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:10 PM
Low blood pressure can cause this too.

Are you on any meds besides the supplements?


Your BP is a little low at that rate. But your fasting sugar is perfect. Should range between 70 - 110.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:16 PM
I don't take any meds.
I checked my blood pressure
It was

Pulse 89

I think the majority of it is my sinus stuffy nose problem. It got worse when my sinus' started bothering me a week ago. The weird thing is I usually can't breath through my nose when my nose is stuffy but I have been able to this time.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:21 PM
Your blood pressure was 88/66!! :eek: :eek:

You are running into some dangerous territory with your BP that low.

You should double check your supplements to see if any of them cause low blood pressure.

Better yet, you really should be checked out almost immediately for this.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:24 PM
Most my life my bp has been 78/68 even before I was into taking supplements.
I will check.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:24 PM
J - Could a sinus infection cause all this? Make her pressure drop?
And throw her equilibrium off - giving her that roller coaster feeling?

Oh I hope you feel better.

Hugs J love and miss you.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:26 PM
It says potassium can make it low but I haven't taken potassium since Sept. and I haven't been eating bananas.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:27 PM
How do you feel today? The same?

Feb 20, 2008, 04:30 PM
I ate some chicken soup at work for lunch around 3:00 and I started feeling a little better.
I still have a feeling like a tingly goosebump sensation without the goosebumps.
I have seasonal affective disorder too when I am outside, but I am feeling this way while I am working in a warm kitchen so I don't know.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:32 PM
Any fever?

( you do know... J's right.. you need to take your wooosh self to the doctor :)

But any fever?

Feb 20, 2008, 04:36 PM
No I have never felt healthier in my life except for the strange downward swoosh and the tingly goosebump feeling.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:39 PM
What time is your doc appt ; ).

Are you close to an age where hormone levels could be dropping?

Feb 20, 2008, 04:42 PM
That is one of the things I am thinking. I never went through hot flashes. I LOVE hot so I am wondering if I am weird and getting cold flashes.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:45 PM
Could be it No... and glad you feel great that's good... but the Gyn can order blood work and check your hormonel levels to see where they are.

I'm like you... I guess all day - but when I had enough... I call the doc...

How's your cycle been?

Feb 20, 2008, 04:48 PM
I haven't had one in months. I think I have been that peri whatever for almost three years.

Feb 20, 2008, 04:52 PM
I haven't had one in months. I think I have been that peri whatever for almost three years.

LOL us poor women... peri whatever... :) Can you believe we have to go through this crap!!

When was the last time you and your GYN had a visit?

Feb 20, 2008, 05:02 PM
Yeah oh well I consider it my half way victory crown cause I made it through much worse over the years... mentally wise anyway... :D

Feb 20, 2008, 05:05 PM
Yeah oh well I consider it my half way victory crown cause I made it through much worse over the years....mentally wise anyway....:D

Absolutely. I'm 44 and entering the wonderful world of... hmmmm think I'll have me a little cry for no reason and please don't ask me why.. unless you wish to not exsist anymore :):)

Feb 20, 2008, 05:06 PM
I am just 'sittin' around' waiting for my hair to kick in full force gray... I deserve it--my kids worked hard for me to earn it!!

Feb 20, 2008, 05:08 PM
I am just 'sittin' around' waiting for my hair to kick in full force gray....I deserve it--my kids worked hard for me to earn it!!!!

Well you just go Missy :). Good for you. I bet they are your world!! And your theirs.

Feb 20, 2008, 05:26 PM
Does it occur more when you stand up quickly, after you have eaten or if you stay still too long? Do you loose vision?

My random 2p as someone who suffered from vertigo for three months solid it doesn't sound like it to me. But that is only anecdotal evidence which is not very reliable.

Hope you get to see a Doc and sort it out :)

Feb 20, 2008, 05:46 PM
I heard there are different types of vertigo associated with motion and maybe not necessarily have to involve dizzy. At least that is all I have figured out about vertigo... other words my understanding is vague.

The swooshing is mostly happening when I am at work rushing around and then I slow down.
Like I am busy and I walk over to the elevator and stop to push the button or when I go on break and I stop to go to sit down in the chair but am still standing
it feels like my busy and my slow down collide or something.

The tingly skin almost feels 'buzzing' is always when I am cold but it is like that randomly lately.

Feb 20, 2008, 06:13 PM
You need to get to the doctor. Especially if this is happening when you are busy at work. You should have a EKG done.

I'm not trying to scare you, but this is the semester I am in now, and your symptoms warrant being seen as soon as possible and having an EKG run to make sure you have a normal heart rhythm. Your blood pressure is scaringly low, and that in itself warrants a visit as quickly as possible to the doctor.

It could be a form of angina and needs to be addressed.

Feb 20, 2008, 06:18 PM
Okay thanks I will have to figure out how I can afford the doctors.
I don't have any heart pain at all. Wouldn't I have some kind of heart pain or my heart feeling like it is beating off or fast or slow or something?

Feb 20, 2008, 06:30 PM
Women have different symptoms than men do. I'm not even saying it is a heart attack, but with your symptoms and your blood pressure, something is going on and it needs to be addressed.

Do you know how to take your pulse? If you do, could you please take it for me?

Feb 20, 2008, 06:55 PM
I think my pulse feels like around 73 a minute.

Feb 20, 2008, 08:31 PM
I was looking stuff up and I was wondering if it could be cortisol and hormone imbalance

I have had a lot of energy and not getting tired at night.
I use to be tired all the time and never had any real bursts of energy.
Now I never feel like stopping until bedtime which I figured was a good thing.

Feb 20, 2008, 10:36 PM
At an initial look @ symptoms, I thought possible signs of anemia.

Are you jaundiced (yellowish tint around the whites of the eye) at all?

I would have suggested folic acid + iron supplement intake for about a week... to see if that'll help, but to be honest, with your intake of supplements up the wazoo, I feel like it's overkill.

There are free clinics around that can get your blood work done for relatively cheap.

To be honest, cortisol + hormonal imbalance wouldn't cause this type of "whooshing" because to me, that doesn't sound like hot flashes.

Feb 21, 2008, 10:18 AM
My sister had vertigo.symptoms are: dizziness, bouncing pupils, vomiting/ dry heaving. As a result of hitting your head or having a cold/flu and applying pressure to the head or ears.it doesn't sound like vertigo.but it could be a slight case.get it checked out.because vertigo takes up to 4 months to fully go away.

Feb 25, 2008, 04:15 PM
Thank you everybody for helping me sort it all out.
After my hypochondria episode of looking up everything I could think of and fitting in all the
Symptoms except the main three (in every one of them) high blood pressure, tired and no energy ruled all them out.
I figured they have to be two separate issues and I called two alternative doctors about the feeling like I was on a downhill roller coaster. They said like J_9 said that it must be my blood pressure and eat a little something throughout the day and check my blood pressure everyday.

The other I figured has to be my sensitivity to the cold and I realized that the jersey they gave me for work was getting wet and I couldn't tell then I was taking garbage out at least 3 times a day in the cold. Then last week they had the sanitizer up higher than the previous weeks. I realized it was bothering my skin so I am adding extra water to the sanitizer.

Thanks I am feeling a lot better now.