View Full Version : Did I make the right decision, after a 3 year relationship?

Feb 19, 2008, 08:58 AM
My boyfriend and I recently broke up. We have been going out for 3 years. He is the clingy wants to know where I'm at, at every minute of the day. And doesn't trust me (which I was paying for due to his past). But I got tired of feeling like I was being held down and never got to do anything without him because he thought I was cheating. Mind you I never did anything wrong in our relationship or than the normal bickering we did. But now I don't know if I made the right decision. We spoke last night I guess as that "closure" you hear so much about. And I told him that his insecurities are what broke our relationship. And that's something that he needs to work on. Well his response was that he thought he had been working on it because he took the step to get me an engagement ring. He also told me that I am the one he wants to marry and have kids with.

What do I do? Did I make the right decision?

Feb 19, 2008, 11:00 AM
Yes you did, as you knew what you wanted, a healthy loving relationship. He ain't it, so its for the best you ended it now, and not be dazzled by a ring, as jewelry has never made someone healthy enough for a good relationship. There will be someone you deserve, now that you are free again. Keep loving yourself enough, to find your own happiness.

Feb 19, 2008, 12:04 PM
Yes you did make the right decision always turn the volume up on your intuition and listen. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run. As for him buying a ring and planning to get married, he thinks that will draw you in, as most women would love to get married and have children, But possesiveness, and insecurties, clinginess are all no no's... You made the right decision, if that is not what you want then you don't need to be in that relationship. He needs time to figure himself out, and learn to trust otherwise he will continually have problems with women. It is no longer your problem, and I would suggest you take this time to be happy and not think about if you made the right decision or not follow your heart and intuition.. Besides you would find someone who is what you want, and can trust, and give you the space you need. In fact this separation would be a real test let's see if he can respect your wishes and give you the space you need, until you figure things out...

Good luck