View Full Version : Lump on Finger (image)

Feb 18, 2008, 12:06 AM
I am an artist (penciler) and sometime back in 2005 I got a blister on my left hand middle finger obviously caused by gripping too hard. But for some reason this 'blister' never went away, it's still there today and is pretty much rock hard.

Please refer to the image I have included here, its not gross :P


1. the types of pencils I use (metal grips)
2. view of the lump from the side
3. lump compared to other fingers
4. left finger compared to right finger

Really the lump is no bother atall health wise, doesn't hurt, but it does get in the way of my work flow, becomes sore after I been penciling for about an hour so requires more breaks, really annoying.

I got 3 opinions on what this blister thing is from random docs:

1. that it is a ganglion and I should bash my finger with a bible, har har?
2. absolutely no clue
3. unlikely to be cancerous, possible skin irritation but because its hard I'm not sure, possible solution via biopsy

Hahaha anyone out there have any idea as to what this monster on my finger is? :p

Feb 18, 2008, 12:37 AM
Its probably just a callus. Probably nothing too much to worry about other than it looks odd. I have one too and its been there for a long while. From writing and such, of course.

Feb 18, 2008, 01:11 AM
I have had the same type of knot on my finger since I was a little girl... it's a callous and harmless.
