View Full Version : Steel Roof Over Asphalt?

Feb 17, 2008, 01:48 AM
I am going to replace the roof on my house, I do have some ice dam problems from time to time.

The old roof is flat, shingles are in good shape so its mainly for aesthetics that I am changing. I am interested in installing a steel roof, this I have not done before. Is it possible to install a steel roof over an existing asphalt shingle roof? Is there any precautions I would need to take with steel and ice dam problems?

Thanks in advance!

PS. My climate is NE Ohio weather, if that matters.

Feb 17, 2008, 10:20 AM
When you say your roof is flat do you mean it has no pitch at all? Can't use steel in this application. Ice dams usually mean poor insulation and that will continue with steel. Have you assessed your insulation and roof vents?

Feb 17, 2008, 01:38 PM
I have a 4/12 pitch roof, attic is insulated well, with soffit and ridge vents clear. I have an attic furnace that is wrapped in insulation, ducts and all. Still some residual heat causes snow to melt faster at ridge, then ice damn at eves when we get a fast freeze. I am not seeking the steel to solve the problem, I thought it might look nice since I have a country home plus looks easy to install.

Feb 27, 2008, 10:20 PM
You should have no problems with a steel roof on a 4/12 pitch. You will need to install perlins between the steel and the shingles. Putting the steel directly on asphalt is never a good idea. To help with the melting and ice damns I would install an electric exhaust fan which can be wired into 110. This would help get rid of the heat in winter and summer. Should help with the ice damns and cool the house easier in warm months. Installing a steel roof look easy but if they are not installed correctly then can cause big problems.