View Full Version : My dog ate Tylenol

Feb 15, 2008, 02:08 PM
Okay so my 2.5 year old cocker Spaniel got into a bottle of Tylenol... I don't know how much she ate if anything at all, most of them seemed to be licked because of the raspberry (easy to swallow) coating on it.

I was searching for other answers online and found this for someone who's 9 month old Cocker ate an Advil.

Your dog will be OK.. the only reason it would be an issue is if he had a conflicting medical condition or allergy to Advil.

Here is the deal on the Human Pain meds and dogs

Aspirin... can be used but not usually the best choice as it can cause ulcers much quicker in a dog than human

Advil ( ibuprofen) is the same... 1-2 doses can cause an ulcer in a dog where as in a human it would take much more

Tylenol.. Again can be used but has been though to contribute to liver failure or damage in dogs.. also suspect in human liver issues as well.. it is metabolized or cleared out of our bodies in the liver as well.

SO I would guess your pooch will be just fine.. however

Should you see any vomiting with ot without blood in it or bloody stool or diareah that appear Tar like and black... you should take him to be checked...

Just feed him as usual and watch for a couple of days for the above symptoms...

Darn dogs will eat anything eh!? Worse than a kid cause they don't grow up! :0)
If a dog eats an advil will it hurt them? - Yahoo! Answers (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061021223705AAt155l)

Should we take her to the vet? Will she be okay?


Feb 15, 2008, 02:14 PM
I've heard from many people and vets that Tylenol is not good for your dog. It can make your dog sick or it could possibly mean death. I would suggest taking your dog to the vet.

Feb 15, 2008, 02:22 PM
I think taking your dog to the vet is a good idea, especially considering you don't know how much she ate. I hope she is OK!

Feb 15, 2008, 02:32 PM
Call the local animal hospital or your vet immediately. Advil and Tylenol can both be very dangerous to dogs. With an unknown quantity you really need to speak with a veterinarian as soon as possible. My dog had 2 Advil a few months ago and I was told to induce vomiting immediately, once successful I was told she didn't need to be seen unless specific symptoms arose. Good luck, please call - calls are usually free!

Feb 15, 2008, 05:28 PM
Hopefully you received information from your vet, I would like to add that Tylenol (acetaminophen) in high levels can alter the ability of a dog's blood to carry oxygen, a specific drug must be given within a certain time frame which your vet will order from a pharmacy. Whenever a dog eats tylenol or advil vomiting should be induced by yourself or your vet as soon as possible, if enough time has passed your vet may need to administer activated charcoal to help prevent absorption of the drug into the system (as it may stay in the system longer than you would think).

Hopefully your dog didn't eat more than a few, I just went through this with my father-in-law's dog :)