View Full Version : I really Like him but he doesn't know I'm even alive!

Feb 3, 2008, 09:48 AM
I'm 15, and there's this boy I've been crushing on in the year above me.
I haven't had a serious boyfriend in four years and it is really getting me down.
So almost all of my friends know this boy except me! And they're making no move to introduce me to him even though they know I like him.
He gets on my bus and I sit as close to him as possible, we've made eye contact lots but he doesn't even smile when I do, he doesn't even know my name!:(
He's single, but I can't understand why, He plays the guitar, sings, acts, gets good grades, is tall and good looking! (he has braces but I love guys with braces)
So I'm starting to think he could be gay, but I'm not even 2% sure of that, I just heard him mention that he's not denying it once.

How do I get his attention without making it obvious I like him?
I'm going to re-style my hair, try and loose some weight and change my dress style to see if that helps, I was even thinking about being in the next play if he is.

He's leaving school this year I think and I probably won't see him again unless he's changed his mind and decides to stay on at 6th form.
I haven't liked somebody this much since my last boyfriend and I really want to have a go :(

Feb 3, 2008, 09:58 AM
OK so you was in a serious relationship when you was 11

My we do start young these days don't we :)

I don't know if he is gay. Just because he didn't date girls when he was 11 like you
Some people just take longer to get out there. You have to understand this.

Just walk up to him and start talking to him. Let it go from there
And see where it goes

Just dress up in your best stuff and go for it ;)

Feb 3, 2008, 10:08 AM
Acctually I was 12, it lasted about a year but he was cheating on me, the coward :) I'm 16 this year.
And I don't know his relationship past but loads of girls like him and he's not showing interest, except I think maybe he has a thing for his best friend who is currently going out with someone else, which I'm thankful for.
I'm sort of close to someone he knows, and I've kind of hinted that I like him to her, but she hasn't picked up on it. I'm too shy just to go up to him and talk because I have no idea what he's into except music and acting.
But he is really funny as well.

Feb 3, 2008, 10:34 AM
This almost sounds like what's going on with my group of friends. The other day this girl that we sort of know suddenly decided shew anted to be best friends with us because we know this guy she likes and she expected that just because we know him we would help set them up. We wouldn't though because we know the guy and knew it would never work out between the two. So maybe your friends aren't introducing you because they know something about him.
If I were you, I would back off. It's obvious when people are trying that hard. If you're in the next play just because of him, he'l notice you all right. He'll notice and think "why is this girl who's always staring now following me??"
And assuming he's gay just because he isn't showing interested doesn't make him gay. I know a lot of straight guys who don't date, or even flirt much, because of religious reasons, or because they're too focused on other things.

Feb 3, 2008, 11:23 AM
I think you should let him know that you are interested in a subtle way. He probably has no idea that you even like him. Maybe you can ask one of your friends to help you out, one of them that you can count on. If they are a friend, they shouldn't mind doing this for you. He may not be gay, just possibly shy or maybe even just preoccupied with something going on. You have to make it noticeable that you like him, but you don't want to be desperate or come on too strong, just try to spark up a casual conversation or something. If he is interested in you you will know, just don't be in a hurry, relationships take time to build. At that age if I would have known some of the people that were interested in me, believe me I would have dated them.

Feb 3, 2008, 11:32 AM
Well my friends only USED to hang out with him, now they never do.
And I don't stare at him directly, I look out the window he is next to, or look around and glance at him.
I was thinking of asking one of my friend what he's into.
She's not my personal friend but I talk to her sometimes, and she can be trusted with anything.
I'd rather just be his friend than nothing.
And I would be in the play even if he wasn't, I already promised my friend I would be before I even started liking him.

Feb 3, 2008, 11:50 AM
Well the best place to start is to start up a conversation see what he's like, get to know him better and go from there. Remember you do have the play in common, so maybe that would be a good place to start. Once you get to know him better, it's up to you where you want it to go from there and either take the next step or just remain friends. :)

Well my friends only USED to hang out with him, now they never do.
And i dont stare at him directly, i look out the window he is next to, or look around and glance at him.
I was thinking of asking one of my friend what he's into.
She's not my personal friend but i talk to her sometimes, and she can be trusted with anything.
I'd rather just be his friend than nothing.
And i would be in the play even if he wasnt, i already promised my friend i would be before i even started liking him.

Feb 3, 2008, 11:53 AM
I guess if he sits behind me again, I'll ask him if he's in the play this year and ask what it is about.
I'm not even sure if he's going to be in it, but he'll probably know what it's about.

Miss Rachii Parsnips
Feb 3, 2008, 12:32 PM
Hello there my darling Princess IMYM friend!! Now you are one of my best friends and I promise ill help you as much as possible ^^ arnt I lovely, ill talk to people, I know lots of people who know him!! Fear not I am here :P:P
so all you people who are being mean and saying just forget about him go f**k off and leave her alone you know nothing!!
Have a nice day everyone!!

Feb 3, 2008, 12:34 PM
Oh you are lovely dear, hehe
But you shouldn't be mean or you'll get into deep trouble!

Sand Daddy
Feb 3, 2008, 12:45 PM
Not to be the thorn in this thread, but I had no significant interest in the girls at my school either. They were attractive, nice and great to be friends with... but growing up with these girls kind of scared me away from the idea of a relationship/dating.

Years later I eventually dated a few of them, they asked why I didn't ask them out sooner, so I told them what I'm telling you here.

I have heard this all too often from both men and women, it's quite normal.

I would certainly make your interest clear without fear of rejection.

Feb 3, 2008, 01:08 PM
Hm, I suppose.
I only mentioned the gay thing because I over heard him talking and he said something like: "I'm not totally closed to the concept of being gay"
And maybe it's because one of his best friends IS a girl and the other one has no interest in either gender, that he only see's girls as friends?
Well I'd like to be his friend then. He doesn't have to like me back, I just want him to acknowledge me.