View Full Version : How to increase height

Jan 30, 2008, 02:00 AM

My age is 28 years and height is 5.7". I want to increase my height. What should I suppose to do? Please suggest.


Jan 30, 2008, 02:04 AM
No chance! You can do some think where they break your bones to extend your height if you are so bothered about extending you height by 2-3''

Jan 30, 2008, 02:35 AM
Are you male or female?

Jan 30, 2008, 03:32 AM
I'm 17 and what terrellowens said is the only possible way to increase it. C your height is determined by your genes. I'm 6'1 n I wasn't satisfied with my height because I play football and basketball but my doctor told me I still have 3-4" in me judging by my bones

Jan 30, 2008, 06:04 AM
It's close to imposable to increase your height with out damaging your body. Why are you so concerned on increasing your height? 5'7 is not all that bad. And out of curiosity what sex are you male or female? 5'7 is common height location in females.

Jan 30, 2008, 10:56 PM
it's close to imposable to increase your height with out damaging your body. Why are you so concerned on increasing your height? 5'7 is not all that bad. And out of curiosity what sex are you male or female? 5'7 is common height location in females.

Am male, thought thr might b some exercise or diet control nutrisions through which I can extend a little bit ( 1").

Oct 16, 2011, 04:11 AM
Try it 98% working tick(use twice in a day before breakfast and dinner)
And one more thing:
Take multiple eat break in your life.
Drink water at least 5 liters
Yoga exercises includes several asanas out of which we are including some to help you out.
A)Sukhasanas : means happy or easy asana in which you sit easy cross legged and stretch your back and hips
B)Dog and Cat pose: it involves mimicking the poses of dog and cat to influence your spine's stretching.
D)Chakrasana: It stretches back specially your lower back and improves posture. It relaxes your muscles of neck and back.
E)Tadaasana: means standing erect and pull yourself using your shoulders and arms in the sky.
F)Paschimotasana: Sitting on ground with legs straight and bend from lower waist and touch your feet. It is an excellent asana for height increase. We have seen increase of at least 1 inch after doing this asana properly.
G)Pranayaam: improves function of autonomic system, digestive system, General irritability reduces and toxins get eliminated toxins are removed from body, therefore onset of various diseases is prevented. Pranayama strengthens the immune system.