View Full Version : Can I Give A Dog Ex-Lax?

Jan 22, 2008, 05:57 PM
Can I Give A Dog Ex-Lax?

Jan 22, 2008, 06:05 PM
<moved from Alternative Medicine to Dogs>

Now, I am not a doctor or a nurse of quadripeds, but I am a nurse of bipeds.

There are medications that are used for both humans and canines, however, not all, and I doubt Ex-lax is one that will cross over.

What is your reasoning for wanting to give you dog Ex-Lax? Are you sure it is constipation and not an intestinal blockage?

Jan 22, 2008, 06:06 PM
From everything I am reading it sounds like he needs more fiber and water.
People foods can cause a problem.
I think ex lax would end up leaving you with a terrible mess to clean up.
This site explains all the above

Relieve Dog Constipation with Natural Home Remedies - Associated Content (http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/190454/relieve_dog_constipation_with_natural.html)

Jan 22, 2008, 06:19 PM
Not to mention chocolate and dogs hearts aren't a good match.

Jan 22, 2008, 07:17 PM
It is risky to give a dog any medication without direction from a vet. J_9 wisely mentioned the possibility of an intestional blockage. In such a case, Exlax, herbs, etc. could kill the dog.

Jan 22, 2008, 07:19 PM
PLEASE, listen to all these good people. Do not give you dog Exlax!! It is not a product that should be given to a dog.

If your dog is experiencing a problem, please, call your vet and tell him/her what exactly is happening. The vet will tell you if you need to bring the dog in for an examination or if he/she recommends a home remedy. If your dog has eaten something that may have caused a blockage, he needs to be examined by the vet to ensure whatever he ate doesn't perforate his bowels.