View Full Version : Cough for over two weeks now

Jan 21, 2008, 01:56 PM
I've been coughing for over two weeks now. I've been getting sick easily and I recently just got better. However, my cough won't go away.

The other day I was eating out when I suddenly started coughing like crazy. My boyfriend said my face started turning blue but I wasn't choking on anything I had eaten. I started panicking because I have never had a cough like that before.

Should I go to the doctors to get it checked?

Jan 21, 2008, 02:08 PM
Go immediately to your doctor. You could be coughing for a number of reasons, but one thing is for sure your body is smarter than you are. Anytime you have a an overt body response, you body is indicating that something is out of balance.