View Full Version : Life without my "MOM"?

Jan 10, 2008, 09:35 PM
We just found out 1/09/2008 that my mom (my best friend) has terminal leukemia... My brain is doing the best to wrap around this but, it can't get past my mom the rock of the family, the one that never shows fear, always knows what to do or how to fix it... I lost my father at age 9 years old (1975) to cancer; and my mom was so unbelievably strong, together & brave. She then meet a wonderful man when I was 13 yrs old & remarried & they have been married since & still as much in love if not more then when they first married. I am 44 and I guess somewhere in the far cob webbed area of my brain I knew that mom would be gone within the next 15 to 25 yrs, dam she is only 64 years old & yes I know death does not care how old or young you are. Please anyone out there just walk me through the next 3 to max 6months of her...


Jan 10, 2008, 09:52 PM
Jmiller, I am sorry for the pain your family is suffering. I can't help you with the timeline. But, we have a nurse that gets on daily, hopefuly she will see your post and be able to answer you. Please check back in tomorrow.

Jan 10, 2008, 09:59 PM
Thank-you Bushg for your quick response & I will for sure check 2 or 3 (maybe more) times a day for the nurse or anyone else with words of encouragement or just helpful words to stop the extremely extremely pain in my chest...
Thanks again it meant more than I can ever express!!


Jan 10, 2008, 10:04 PM
I just did not want you to think that the lack of response was typical.
The closet I have come to your situation was a sil of mine was diagnosed with acute leukemia and it was cureable she has been in remission for about 7 years now. I believe after 5 your considered cured. It was incredible how well she did, when they found it she was very close to death. It is truly a miracle that she did not bleed to death, have a heart atttack or stroke because her blood count was so low.

Jan 10, 2008, 10:06 PM
You are not alone! We will give you support here! I can sympathize as to what you are going through because I lost my father to cancer many years ago. I know what it feels like to be in your shoes. I'm going to let others know about your thread who have also suffered and/or agonized and also those who are experts at dealing with these kinds of situations.

Jan 10, 2008, 10:15 PM
Well you see 14 & 1/2 months ago my mom palms & bottoms of her hands & feet just started to peel very large layer of skin off, well now it is to the point that in places, like the small finger where they bend you can actually see her tendons, when I say see I mean there is NO skin at all on places of her palms or the bottom of her feet & they bleed all the time. Anyway to make a long story short her doctors thought it was blood related since they ruled out everything else. WQel they have been keeping a close watch on her white blood count, because when this all started it was about 3,00 to 3,700 counts higher than normal. Well as of 01/09/2008 her whit e blood cell count is 127,324, which they say it should run around 5,000 to no more than 9,000. So you see how very fast this has been been? (14 & 1/2 months or less).

Again thanks you defiantly stopped the tears for a moment.


Jan 10, 2008, 10:21 PM
What type of leukemia does she have?
I know how painful it is to watch someone you love suffer my son has a rare kidney condition that has been in remission for some years. He may never relaspe again or tomorrow could be the day. So in that sense I can feel your pain.

Jan 10, 2008, 10:25 PM
jmiller33, I am broken-hearted as I read your post. For one thing, please know you are not alone as you walk this path. No matter our age, I don't think we are ever ready to let one of our loved ones go. You and your mother are young and it seems all the more unfair.

Having just lost my 37 year old nephew, one of my dear friends, my dad and my mother's best friend this past two years and helping my sister-in-law as she is now dealing with thyroid cancer and going through chemo and possible radical surgery to remove carotid artery, rerouted by a vein in her leg, I can honestly say, I do feel some of what you are expressing. I will be here for you. I am usually up late but I do also check mail through the day. I will check as often as possible for posts.

So many others on this site will also be great encouragers to you. I will pray for you and your mother as you live each day. My brother is always telling my sister-in-law, "No where on your body do I see an expiration date!" :) I know we have to face possible realities but I always say where there is breath, there is hope and I hold to that most firmly. Blessings to you.

Jan 10, 2008, 10:42 PM
They are saying its "Acute Myelogenous Leukemia", which from what I read into it over the past 24 hrs or so it's a pretty fast moving one.


Jan 10, 2008, 10:43 PM
Thank-you, so much.


Jan 10, 2008, 10:46 PM
Thank-you, so much.


You are more than welcome and I will be here for you. :) Feeling alone is one of the hardest things when going through illnesses with loved ones, plus feeling frustrated because you can't fix it. You aren't alone! Please know and feel that in your heart. :)

Jan 10, 2008, 10:57 PM
Jmiller that is what my sister in law had they called it acute myeloid leukemia. She was in her middle 40's at onset. That may have had something to do with how well she did/outcome. Her symptoms were dizziness at first.. a dcotor was treating her for an inner ear infection. Then she started bruising badly and had small red dots on her skin. I told her I thought she needed to see another doctor that she could have really low iron. I suspected Leukemia... but did not want to scare her. I do a lot of reading and have also learned a few things from spending so much time in the hospital with my son. She went and AML was the diagnoses.

Jan 10, 2008, 11:19 PM
We just found out 1/09/2008 that my mom (my best friend) has terminal leukemia...My brain is doing the best to wrap around this but, it can't get past my mom the rock of the family, the one that never shows fear, always knows what to do or how to fix it...I lost my father at age 9 years old (1975) to cancer; and my mom was so unbelievably strong, together & brave. She then meet a wonderful man when I was 13 yrs old & remarried & they have been married since & still as much in love if not more then when they first married. I am 44 and I guess somewhere in the far cob webbed area of my brain I knew that mom would be gone within the next 15 to 25 yrs, dam she is only 64 years old & yes I know death does not care how old or young you are. Please anyone out there just walk me through the next 3 to max 6months of her...

I'm very sorry; and I will keep you and your mom, along with your family in my prayers. =[ It is a very sad thing losing a loved one, but at least you have time to make the best of it, I lost my brother unexpectedly on October 13th, he had heart failure, he went to bed and never woke back up.

Jan 10, 2008, 11:24 PM
I'm very sorry; and I will keep you and your mom, along with your family in my prayers. =[ It is a very sad thing losing a loved one, but at least you have time to make the best of it, I lost my brother unexpectedly on October 13th, he had heart failure, he went to bed and never woke back up.

Sky, I am so sorry for your loss. Goodness, what a blessing it is to have caring people on this thread like yourself, willing to reach out after experiencing a loss so recently.

Jan 11, 2008, 12:17 AM
I am so sorry that you are going through this, but incredibly happy that you feel your mom is your best friend. That bond between you will help you both through the rough times ahead. I sure do hear you when you say that your brain is doing the best to wrap around this. When I found out that my husband had terminal gastric cancer in July, 2002 it devastated me. He had just turned 52 and we had only been married 10 years. He had never been ill in the 16 years I had known him, until the year he was diagnosed. He was given 2 to 6 weeks to live in August, but passed away in January, 2003 – almost 5 months to the day later. My daughter and I actually experienced 5 losses in a little bit more than a year – all people who we were closely bonded to. 4 of those were within 5 months, and 3 of those were within a one month period. My brain is just beginning to wrap around it all 5 years later!

I do know that each loss you experience in life opens up the emotions from your previous losses so I imagine you may be dealing with a lot over the next little while. Please know that you are not alone, as others have indicated on this thread already. We have a great bunch of caring people here, with lots of life experiences, as well as people working in the health field. My guess is that we will all take turns trying to be supportive to you during this time as we are able. I do know this – as long as you post here, someone will respond.

It is also wonderful that your mom has such a strong love with her present husband. I am sure that the three of you will be a source of support and love to each other as well. Do you have any other sources of support? Try to surround yourself with any and all support that you can get!!! Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it – whether that is practical or emotional.

I would like to suggest that you contact your local hospice and ask them what types of support you might be able to get within your community. They were absolutely wonderful with me when Terry was ill, as well as afterwards. I don't know how I would have made it through without them. They even provided me with a wonderful volunteer to spend time with our adopted daughter with special needs who was only 11 when he died. I poured so much of my time into trying to make him as happy and comfortable as possible that I needed someone to just be with her and be silly with a bit of homework help. The woman who befriended her stayed with her through her grieving period, gradually reducing her time in a healing, caring way… tuned in so well to the fact that she had experienced so much loss in her short life that it needed to be a well thought out process.

Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know that I will be here for you as often as I able. It is a bit of bad time for me right now, as the anniversary of my husband's death nears, so there might be times that I am not able to be as supportive as some others, but I will read and post as often as I am able. I WILL walk beside you.

Warm hugs,

Jan 12, 2008, 10:25 AM
Honey, first of all, so sorry that this tragic episode is happening to a family with a lot of love and respect for each other.

I too am going to pass on through adenocarcinoma (lungs) and have between 9 to 12 months left, although my cancer seems to be in a hurry according to the last tests.

My family is going through the same torture as well and I wish there were something I could do to eleviate the pain you and my family are going through. But the only thing we (your mom and myself) can do at this point is to take each day as it comes and continue to love and be grateful that our loved ones are with us.

You see, none of us wants to suffer painfully, or be on drugs so strong that we no longer recognize those around us, and that - in my opinion and at this state - is our greatest concern. Also it hurts us to see our loved ones try and cope with something that neither of us has power over. The inability to control and helplessness is the worst of our current symptoms.
I'm sure that your mom went through the depresssed stage, denial stage, and has within herself started to accept her fate - Once the acceptance is there, there is still sadness, but the crucial issue is that we have the opportunity to share valuable and quality time with you (our family) as much as possible. It took me a while to get there too, but one thing I always think about is that as soon as this is over, I will no longer be in pain, go through excruciating doctor's visits, lay in bed thinking of things that I still wanted to do in my life and no longer have the power or energy to do.

I do realize that this is more painful for those I will leave behind right now - but also important is the fact that I will soon be no longer in pain and have final peace. I'm sure, that if you talk to your mom about this, she may feel the same way - after all, what choice do we have..
There will still be times when she will be angry at her body for letting her down like this, and might take it out on whoever is around, but believe me, it is just anger at ones own body and not our loved ones.
To support her and love her - and make her as comfortable as possible right now is the only thing you can do, and it will mean more to her than you'll ever know.
Since I cannot leave home much, and my eyesight is getting worse, my friends and family got a larger television for me because they know how much I like certain shows. My neighbor even ordered pay TV for me so that I can see my favorite Science Fiction Series.. This gesture alone brought tears to my eyes and made me feel loved, respected, cared for - and not alone. Gestures like these or the like will also mean a lot to your mom. If she is too weak to take to dinner, order her favorite meal and have it brought to the house.. let her do and eat anything and everything she has a taste for. If she has hobbies or favorite family events help her do them, or ask her to teach them to you.
She might want to start sharing things with you that don't mean much to you, but mean a lot to her - let her do this also - it's important to her or she would not initiate.
I joined a group of people with the same fate as myself, and asked them: 'If you had the opportunity to be a ghost and spook around, who would you spook and why?' - or, who would you most want to be 'Guardian Angel' for? If your mom is open for conversations of this sort, get her to tell you what her ideas on this subject are.

It is a reality, but we don't have to make it dismal each time it has to be talked about.

I have a 15 month old grandson and I plan on being his Guardian Angel - and I have told my daughter this. The only thing she said then was to please watch over her too as she still needs her mom - no matter where I am.

Also, since we do have the urge to make plans for the future - my brother promised me that my urn will have it's place of rest in his house because he knows how much it means to me to be back in the USA and not here in Germany.
As as been said here on AMHD, you and yours are not alone - and there will always be someone here to help you through rough parts.
The Irish and Scotts celebrate with their passed away loved ones because they know that the pain, worry, sadness and worldly 'crap' is gone and we can rest in peace.. and that our love will still be there, always. I think they know what they are talking about, don't you? My daughter tries to be 'strong' when she's around me, and I let her, but know that it will hurt her. I also made her promise that she will talk to a therapist or someone else she trusts because the time will come when she will break down - that is normal, and it is OK... just know that there are people there for those left behind too.
I don't know what else to say at this point, but to send you blessing and many virtual hugs. Also greetings to your mom and to tell her it is OK to be angry any time she feels like it, because she has the right to keep her dignity at all costs. So don't let the doctors forbid things she wants to do... what have we really got to loose if we do what we want to do now...

Conveying my best wishes to you and yours with all my heart.

Time does heal, and as long as you keep your good memories, you'll always have her with you!

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_7_209.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSYYYYYYMXDE)

Jan 12, 2008, 03:25 PM
I was just checking in. Chery, it was so gracious of you to share so much of your thoughts and feelings. Jmiller33, you and your mother are still on my mind. This time in life is so difficult for both sides. My sis-n-law is struggling also with cancer and still has young grandchildren. We do all try to hold strong in front of each other but our hearts break when we return home or to our normal actiivities. Just wanting you to know I will be asking God to give each of you provision of strength, energy for each day, peace in your hearts.

Jan 12, 2008, 03:38 PM

I suppose I am the nurse that they are referring to... LOL, sorry it took so long for me to read you post.

You are a truly brave person with such a wonderful relationship with your mother. Be lucky that you can be near her in her time of need. I lost my father this summer, and although I was with him during his last few days on this earth, I was 600 miles away during most of his suffering as I could not take time off nursing school to go be with him. He was my hero.

You have had some wonderful advice here... I would like to help you with the medical, if you don't mind.

Her numbers are high, and high enough to be concerned about leukemia. The average WBC is 5,000 - 10,000. Anything higher, aside from in pregnancy, is cause for concern regarding infection. Her numbers, being 125,000 or so, does indicate AML. Has she had a bone marrow sample taken to confirm this diagnosis?

Again, I am so sorry you and her are going through this. Losing a loved one is painful, and the decisions that come along with it are no less painful.

Take this time to tell her often how much you love her and what she has meant to you throughout your life. Also, be her rock... She was your rock when you lost your father at such a tender age, she needs you more than ever now.

Jan 12, 2008, 05:27 PM
Make the most of every hour, and be diligent about telling her how much you love her and appreciate the time that you still have together.

All three of the deaths that have come close to me have been sudden and unexpected, without the chance to say goodbyes or resolve misunderstandings. That has been hard to bear at times. Give thanks always.

Jan 12, 2008, 07:56 PM
My mother had been in ill health for many years but my best friend who was the same age as I who had lupis died within 2 weeks of each other. I knew my mom was going but I didn't know my best friend was going to die that quickly. My friend had given me, about a week before she died, a little white bear with gold angel wings that when squeezed said "I'm your guardian angel, I'm your special friend." She thought the little bear was hilarious and we would laugh and laugh and squeeze the bear together. That was over 10 years ago. I still keep that bear and from time to time I squeeze him to hear him tell me that. At first I would cry and could not bear even to look at him. I don't cry anymore but kind of chuckle and remember her as she was the day she gave me him, squeeze him and think of her and me laughing. We spent a lot of time together also.

My mom and I were best friends for many years also. May I suggest that you do something that I did? I got a tape recorder and lots of audio tapes. We talked for hours on end taping the conversations of her telling about her early childhood, her adventures (she was a private pilot, R.N. real estate agent and a few other avocations thrown in there for good measure), her parents. She talked about the depression and how times were then. This was her legacy so her grandchildren could be closer to her even though she was no longer here.

It was so ironic. My mother could hardly wait to die as she was in a lot of physical pain due to her illnesses and infirmaties. My best friend so desperately wanted to live. I mourned my best friend more as I had plenty of time to reconcile myself to my mother's passing.

Spend every possible minute with your mother as you will have your memories of this wonderful time together to get you through the really tough times that lay ahead.

Jan 18, 2008, 04:31 PM
I was just checking in. Chery, it was so gracious of you to share so much of your thoughts and feelings. Jmiller33, you and your mother are still on my mind. This time in life is so difficult for both sides. My sis-n-law is struggling also with cancer and still has young grandchildren. We do all try to hold strong in front of each other but our hearts break when we return home or to our normal actiivities. Just wanting you to know I will be asking God to give each of you provision of strength, energy for each day, peace in your hearts.

My personal thanks for your best wishes for strength, energy and peace, dear.

Passing away is a reality - but most of us hope it happens fast and painless. But then those that stay behind regret that they did not have the time to say goodbye.
On the other side of the coin, knowing that you have a short time to say and do the things that need to be done, and some that you want to do, help those of us who are fated - but hurts those who have to live with the fact and watch it happen.
I wish there were a way in the middle, but in all actuality - once we are born - we are fated to pass away at some time - so it is reality - not one we like to think about, but reality nonetheless.
I for one, am glad and sad, angry and happy - all depending on how I feel and perceive the situation at the moment.
One thing I know for certain - life goes on - with or without our bodies - and the main reason is because of those we love and leave behind - so please help our passing with fond memories, lots of love while we are still here, and a better understanding of our human failures at times, just as we understand and love those of you who still have to endure and preserve our legacy. Above all else, help us keep our dignity - which is every human's right.

Sorry for being so maudling at this time, but that is also part and parcel of being a human being - and that's what we all are.

Share your feelings - good or bad - with someone you trust and never ever think you can go through this alone because I promise you that that will not help either concered. And by all means, don't spare on the hugs and endearments - even tears.. because they are all important.

Too bad that it is times like this that make us seriously think of how we want to be remembered and that a lot of us don't get that chance.

Don't know what else to say right now but... Can't wait for the pain to finally be gone forever!


Jan 20, 2008, 06:57 PM

I lost two very special people in my life in the last three years. Both were very sudden and unexpected deaths. I lost my 24 year old niece in a car accident in March of 2004 and my 45 year old brother just last April. He had a blood clot that came loose and stopped his heart instantly. Death is never easy and I try really hard to remember the goods times that I shared with both of them. I just want to tell you to cherish every moment of whatever time your mother has left. None of us knows when our time to go will come and we should live each day as though it is our last. I don't know if knowing that either one of them was going to die would have made it any easier to accept their deaths or not, probably not. Just make the most of whatever time you do have left with your mother, make some cherished memories, and always remember the good times. I think that is the best way to honor someone's memory.

Jan 30, 2008, 06:20 AM
Heya, I don't know much about cancer, and I don't really understand what it is to go through something like that, but firstly, let me say how awed I am at the responses of these wonderful people to your question.
Please, do not let her illness dominate you and her life, please, it is easy to let illness or death become the defining part of the way you see a person, which should not be, remember, she has lived 64 years, and the time you have, and still have, with her is far more important, and should be focused on, instead of the time you will not. Please, make the most of it, and remember, you, and her, are both capable of rising above this, and making the most of this precious time. It is not your predicament in life that defines you as a person, but your attitude and how you react and endure what life throws at you. I lost my grandfather before I could get to know him, when he died while white water rafting, a year or two after we had moved to western australia to be with him and my grandmother, so sometimes I feel kind of bad that I didn't have much time with him. But I have realised, instead of lamenting the time lost, I should celebrate and treasure the time I had. Remember, as long as someone is alive, they can truly feel alive, as long as the people they love still support them, and aslong as they soldier on, and try to enjoy what time is left. Again, it is what you do with your time that matters, not how much time you have to waste. We often waste so much time, which is a tragedy, because some have so little of that precious resource to waste before the end.
Now is the time, for you to be at your strongest, you must, for your sake, and the sake of your mother, help her and be with her in this time, and help her to make her last time, the time of her life, with the loving care and support of family, she will go with fewer regrets, and so will you and your family. Sorry if I rambled a bit, I hope you understood what I'm trying to say, and I hope it helps in some small way, I'm not very good at this stuff unfortunately.
Remember, no matter what life throws at you, no matter what tests and trials you have to endure, you can always overcome it, because you are a wonderful person, and you were born for many very special and unique reasons, and you can overcome anything, if you hold your head high, keep your shoulders and back straight, and never give up, because you only fail, if you give up.
I will keep you, your family and your mother in my prayers, and if you need to talk, pm me, or contact me on messenger, I am always willing to listen.
Good luck, and remember, love overcomes all boundaries, even death.

Jan 31, 2008, 09:11 PM
jmiller33: How are things going? Do you have the supports you need to get through this?

Hugs, Didi

Aug 11, 2008, 07:48 PM
Well at least you got that long, and you get a chance to say goodbye. I'm 24 and my mom was also my rock, my best friend, my children's favorite person, and my everything. She took her own life 2 weeks ago, at the young age of 49 and I don't think I'll ever come to terms with it. I know I sound bitter, but seriously, you're in your forties. You had like twice as long as I did to be with your mom, learn from her, and love her. It could be worse.

Aug 12, 2008, 05:17 AM
Well at least you got that long, and you get a chance to say goodbye. I'm 24 and my mom was also my rock, my best friend, my children's favorite person, and my everything. She took her own life 2 weeks ago, at the young age of 49 and I don't think I'll ever come to terms with it. I know I sound bitter, but seriously, you're in your forties. You had like twice as long as I did to be with your mom, learn from her, and love her. It could be worse.
Oh my, that is just so sad. My heart goes out to you. I know it doesn't help much at this early stage, but in time you can to learn to live with it. But you will never get over it. You have a long, hard road of grief ahead of you, and there is no way to avoid walking it. Don't try to walk it without help. I know, "help" is hard to define, but if you're open to receive it, it will come to you in unexpected ways and times. I envision you surrounded by light, blessed and comforted.

Aug 16, 2008, 11:38 AM
Well at least you got that long, and you get a chance to say goodbye. I'm 24 and my mom was also my rock, my best friend, my children's favorite person, and my everything. She took her own life 2 weeks ago, at the young age of 49 and I don't think I'll ever come to terms with it. I know I sound bitter, but seriously, you're in your forties. You had like twice as long as I did to be with your mom, learn from her, and love her. It could be worse.

I am so sorry for your loss and feel that you should post your own thread and tell us the circumstances and how you feel about it all - so that we can concentrate on your issue.

All I know is that there are many reasons for sane adults to all of a sudden make a choice to leave this world - for whatever reason, I'm sure your Mom considered her alternatives and the turmoil it would cause those she left behind. Therefore, I'm also sure that if you were close, she communicated her frustrations and confusion to you at some point. You see this from your viewpoint, but talk to us and maybe I can help you see how she saw her life and why she decided it was not of the quality she wanted. You can also PM me if you don't feel you can make it that public yet.

If you don't want to go the therapy route, you can start a journal of your own to document the good memories of your mom and it will help you perhaps reduce your anger at her for leaving you. She must have had a reason and loved you all so much that she did not want to burden you. Let us help you with your anger..

Hope to hear from you soon, dear.

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_11_2.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSYYYYYYMXDE)

Aug 24, 2008, 10:46 PM
I think you should spend as much time as possible w/ her.
Most importantly when the time come.. . Tell her how much you love her. How much you will miss her but you have to try to go on living. That was so comforting to me. Letting Dad, Grandma, know how much they meant to me before they left was a key ingredient for me. Oh & I sung or hummed their favorite tunes in their ear. I also told them I understood they were tired or in pain. & I love them enough to let them go so they wouldn't
Be in pain any longer. I also explained I knew they wanted to see their family on the other side. TRANSLATION: SAY EVERYTHING You are feeling now! U will regret it if you don't .

Aug 25, 2008, 06:29 PM
I really feel for you and your family. My sister and two kids lost her husband and their father in a horrible car accident in June. Its so unfair especially for the children like my nieces 12 and 7 who lost their dad and you who are going through this aweful time with your mom. My sister asked me why this happened to them and I didn't have an answer. A preacher told her that its an aweful thing that happened but God had other bigger plans for Chris her husband and that we would be selfish to keep him here with us. I don't know why things like this happen I don't know if it's a bigger better plan or not but regardless its not fair but we can't change it. We just need to enjoy the time that we have with our loved ones and let them know that we love them.

In Sorrow
Sep 7, 2008, 10:31 AM
Dear Jmiller I am deeply sorrow about your moms illness. This is horrible. I am 47 years old and I just lost my mother, I still cannot stop crying. Like your mother she was very strong and healthy up until the age of 80 years old when she was diagnoised with Failing kidneys and needed to go on Dailysis 3 times a week. 2 years after her dialysis she lost her mobility to walk, was taken away from her home, and not brought home to us again. Eventually she developed Gangerne needed her leg amputated, then one week later she died in the ICU ward. I saw her the day she died, when she was still alive her hands were ice cold, and so were her arms, but her face was still warm, well I just lost it, I started to cry and could not stop, I knew mom was going, my worst fear. Now my life is a total wreck, it will never be the same. The hardest thing to face and accept is the Death of your mom as she is part of you, and when she dies she takes a big piece of us to the grave with her, and leaves the rest to mourn and pine away, and actually I fear my own death even more, as I see when we get older we usually die from a terminal illness.

Anyway my prayers are with you, as this is going to be a long hard road to walk, as I walked with my mom for the past 4 years as I watched her die, and now my life is destroyed because of it. I am sorry again, but I can feel your pain, as I have just been though it.

Sep 7, 2008, 08:51 PM
Dear In Sorrow, this is directed mainly at you, but important for all...

I too am terminal and the only thing that keeps me going is spending time with my loved ones, sharing good moments with them when I have enough energy. Showing my two-year-old grandson how to blow bubbles, throw a ball, play games and do many more things to see his smile and hear his giggles. And to see the look in my daughter's eyes when we are having fun together. You see, he will have the ever-lasting impression of his grandma when he hears a song we sing to a lot, or a game we play, or places that he's been with for the first time - with his grandma. So that, even when I'm gone, they will always have their fond memories of the time we had. This is my goal - to share my last months in the warmth of my family and also leave fond memories of love instilled in them.

You said that your life is a mess now. Do you really think this would have been your mother's goal? I honestly doubt it. You mother is no longer in agony or pain, she is free of the restrictions her body placed on her - she's FREE now, dear. And I am sure she would turn over in her grave if her goal of wanting you to keep on and seek happiness is lost due to something she had absolutely no control over.

My daughter does not like the idea of my leaving this planet either, she loves me and probably wishes that I could magically be cured and stay with her and her son forever - but she is also realistic enough to know that this is not humanly possible. And she also know that I am sick and tired of constant pain, bodily restrictions and that I cannot wait to be free of the earthly pain and misery - not to mention that we all still need our DIGNITY - let us have it please! I made her promise never to dwell on what is happening to me now.. she promised to remember the good times we had for as long as we had it - that's what counts.

All I can tell you from my personal feelings, is that when we 'go' we want to be remembered, but we don't want those we have raised and loved to suffer just because our bodies gave up. Our spirits DON'T give up, and we (I) still see you and feel joy when you feel it, and also feel your pain when you feel it, enjoy 'our' song when you hear it... that's the kind of memory that we mothers want for our children and other loved ones.

So, personally, I think it would be selfish and counterproductive to give up your life and your goals just because of normal human frailty and fatality. Please don't do that to yourself - and especially, don't 'blame' your mother for the changes you are going through that she has absolutely no control in helping you recover and change.

Remember the love, the good times, and strive to remember how she handled hard situations and what she would suggest you do when you are thinking of the future 'doom' in your life from now on. Talk to her, ask her what she would suggest you do, and I am sure that she would never, ever, suggest that you give up. So, now I'm asking you, for your mother's sake, don't stop living and reaching the goals she would have supported you with if she were still here.

All we want is for our loved ones to finally be glad that we no longer have to suffer and can finally be FREE and enjoy a new and spiritual existence. Please celebrate that with us like many do in Scotland, Ireland, China and other countries - it's part of being human and starts the minute we are conceived..
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_11_2.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZSYYYYYYMXDE)

Your mother didn't give up... and I'm positive that she would be very,very sad if you gave up- it's not your turn... You still have too much to do for your happiness, so get up and do what she would have expected from you.

Sep 8, 2008, 05:20 AM
All I can tell you from my personal feelings, is that when we 'go' we want to be remembered, but we don't want those we have raised and loved to suffer just because our bodies gave up. Our spirits DON'T give up
Dear, dear Chery, you have already donned your spiritual body and are performing a mighty ministry of love and acceptance. Anybody who ever doubted that the death of the physical body can bring blessings into the material realm should read your many posts like this one. You're a shining star!

Feb 6, 2009, 10:24 AM
Well I'm very sorry to hear this. I can't offer much help . I am 15 my mom died 26/12/07 I have just passed the 1 year mark.. I would like to help if you want.. get in touch

Feb 9, 2009, 04:36 AM
Yep its tough ah. And its going to get tougher,but are you going to waste the time you have now to spend with her not doing all the things that you have time to do because you are already griefstricken?my brother had 2 1/2 years from diagnosis and he just wanted to be treated the same as before his diagnosis. Life is short we all have our own lengths of time on this earth allotted to us and we are here to live it . Love your mum ,enjoy your mum give her this time to fit in your lifetime of love for her.I don't envy you I have been down this rd more than once. I would never wish it on anybody and I don't know you as a person or how you deal with lifes low balls I only hope you take in a bit of what I say and that it can help you.your mum sounds like a pretty neat lady to have so much love from her son.as kids we tend to need our parents to be strong for us so now its your turn to be strong for her and help her through this but remember she at this point in time is alive so enjoy that fact and don't let your grief of the thought ruin your pleasure of the moment. Good luck.and also remember that you are in this yucky position now ,there have been others before you and there will be others after you so one day you can lend a stranger support

Mar 2, 2009, 04:12 AM
Dear Friend, I am 43 yrs old. My mother passed away on jan 4, 2007. Your bad news about your mom came on my birthday. Jan 9. I can go into details of how my mom died and all what she been through before she died. She was 64 yrs old. Now it has been 2 yrs. And how I have lived through this time is beyond me. I found out that I have to live wtihout her. I can't wish her back, I can't make God give her back and I have to keep telling myself that if she did come back. SHE WOULD BE SICK AS SHE IS NOW. And I would not want her that way. I want her to be happy joy joy in heaven and my friend I know without a doubt that is where she is at because of all what has gone on since her passing. I have no doubt in my mind, heart, soul or body that she is in a better place. Oh the pain I feel today is like she died a few minutes ago. I don't think the pain ever leaves but I don't cry everyday like I did. So is it better in a ways yes. It is just a life now that you have to go on and make her proud. Spend every minute of the day with her as much as you can. I remember standing next to her icu bed holding her hand. Trying to keep the memory of her in hand in mine trying to pray that I will never forget the feel of it. I think about the memories I can take with me and hold and it will be OK. But after she passed away. It hits me in the face that there is a difference now. The memories is all I have. But but, but, my friend. I will see her again. I will get to be with her again and never ever have to say good bye. I am so glad That Jesus made a way for all of us to come together one day and never ever have to say good bye. LOVE your mom the best you can. Make her smile. Let her know you will be OK. Write to me if you ever need to [email protected]. My name is sandy. Hugs.

Apr 18, 2009, 07:35 PM
We need to be strong in every faces of life. We need to accept everything... because it happens for a reason.Life is just like a fog that can easily disappear when sunset comes. Just be strong with prayer to God he is our defender through sorrow and pain he will ease us.