View Full Version : Pharmacist issue

Dawn Ash
Jan 10, 2008, 05:02 PM
My question is how do I report a pharmacist for what I believe was inappropriate judgement and riuning my relationship with my dentist? I do not feel that because due to HIPPA that I should not have to explain whom I see for physcian's nor why they prescibe medications to me.. He refused to fill a narcotic presciption from my dentist who has been regularly been prescibing for me because I have receive other controlled substances from other providers.. I see a psyciatrist who gives me a controlled substance for anxiety and my primary care who treats me for my back isses with a nerve medication that is also controlled.. He claims that I receive too many from different providers, but I see three different docs for three different issues.. A primary care doc, a dentist and a psychiatrist for depression.. He completey ruined my relationship with my dentist of which I have been with since I was ten yrs old and I am now 35.. How should I proceed with this as I do not think that he should be making judgements that he knows nothing about.. I feel humiliated and feel as though I can not go to my dentist anymore as he would look at me different and I did not do anything wrong.. Is there someone that this acan be reported to? Thanks

Jan 10, 2008, 05:06 PM
Call hippa... but I don't think it is a violation he is in the medical field persay so I don't see where the violation came in. He could just say that he was afraid that to many drugs could have caused you harm. Was the dentist aware of the other drugs you were on?

Jan 10, 2008, 05:15 PM
He could probably get into trouble if he didn't look into such issues a people getting pain meds from more than one source... a lot of drug addicts go that route, and shop for doctors to supply them... If you make your dentist aware of back injury etc... it really shouldn't hurt his opinion of you, and if it does do you really want him for a dentists?

Why do you have such a need for all the pain pills anyway? Doesn't the one for the back help your dental issues? Are you taking them all at the same time? Seems like you could really put yourself in danger that way by not letting each of the doctors know what other meds you are using...

Jan 10, 2008, 06:12 PM
As Ohio said, I think a pharmacist is required to question this. Part of their job is to make sure you don't overdose or take the wrong mix of drugs. So it sounds like the pharmacist is just doing his job.

Jan 10, 2008, 06:48 PM
If they believe that the mixture of various drugs you are taking can be a danger to your health, they are required to act.

Also if you are taking what he beleves could be too much of a certain tpe of drug, ( and it appears it could be an issue of doctor shopping to get more drugs) he should be looking into it.

I think he should be thanked.

And why did this ruin your relationship with your dentist, unless your dentist should not have written the prescritpion?? Your dentist would fill that druggest was doing his job in questioning it,

If you did not inform the dentist of all of the pills you were taking, he could give you things you don't need.

Sounds like a great druggest, we should hope they all care that much.

Jan 10, 2008, 09:49 PM
Every regularly prescribed narcotics or otherwise should be know to all physicians and dentists. Generally a dentist will prescribe a very small supply of a medication for a particular procedure say a root canal or tooth extraction.

He should question, but at the same time you should be allowed to explain why. If I asked you, do all these docs know about the narcotic medications you are taking regularly and how much, would you be able to say yes?

Jan 10, 2008, 10:31 PM
Your pharmacist was doing exactly what he has been trained to do.

How on earth could you lose your dentist--unless he got into trouble over the meds he prescribed you.