View Full Version : Friend needs any aid she can get

Jan 3, 2008, 01:06 PM
OK I will start by saying the problem is slowly being taken care of. But any suggestions would be helpful. I have a friend who has many problems and she is talking about ending it all. To say the least she has a sister who is homeless and her family blames her. She is living in an abusive relationship with her husband who she just had evicted by the police this past weekend. She is into drugs and drinks a lot. Her job is the worst a woman can have. She totaled her car when it lost control and hit another person and she did not have automobile insurance. She is taking medication because she gets panic attacks. So at this point what can be done. She has and is taking medical and psyciatric help but needs more. So any suggestions or help would be great. Thanks.

Jan 3, 2008, 01:18 PM
If she is this bad off, perhaps she needs in patient care for her drugs and alcohol, as well as her psych problems. I don't know what else to say, any help would be almost like putting a band-aid on the situation - from how you state things. She has some major problems that need to be addressed before she can stand on her feet.

Jan 3, 2008, 02:00 PM
I agree with shygrneyzs she needs to sign herself into a rehabilitation place. They usually keep you anywhere from a month to a few months depending how much help you need.

Jul 1, 2012, 07:07 PM
This person I was talking about finally did get the help she needed and is recovering however society still shuns her because of what she did. That, I am mad at. As for the rest she is recovering. Has a place to live and has turned her life around.