View Full Version : Israelis are not Rapists --- and that is racist.

Jan 3, 2008, 10:34 AM
Alright... it's official. I have now officially heard EVERYTHING.

Hebrew University Awards Prize for "Research" Claiming that Jewish Soldiers Do Not Rape Arab Women because Israelis are Racists

by Steven Plaut

I wish I were making this up as some sort of a pre-Purim joke. But it seems that the latest anti-Israel outrage coming out of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem is its awarding a prize to a graduate student for an essay in which the student claims that Israel is abusing and oppressing Palestinians by not raping their women. Really.

Heb. U. Paper Finds: IDF Has Political Motives for Not Raping - Politics & Government - Israel News - Arutz Sheva (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/124674)

Had it not been awarded a prize by a panel of the Hebrew University's distinguished professors, the whole matter could be dismissed as just another idiotic essay by a moonbat grad student, not something worthy of any attention being paid to it.

But according to news reports, the essay in question has now been published by the Hebrew University's "Shaine Center," at the enthusiastic recommendation of a Hebrew University professors' committee headed by Dr. Zali Gurevitch. The latter is a radical-leftist anthropologist who taught for several years at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois. Don't worry, I never heard of it either. His web page is here:


Gurevich runs the Shaine Center, which awarded the prize. His fellow perps in this atrocity are listed here:


I wonder if the Shaine family know what is being done with their contributions to the university!

The essay indicting Israeli soldiers for not raping Palestinian women was the product of the crayon of a MA student named Tal Nitzan. Tal is a she. Her main theme is that the "lack of IDF rapes of Palestinian women is designed to serve a political purpose lack of IDF rapes of Palestinian women is designed to serve a political purpose." The "political purpose" is that Israel fears the Palestinians demographically and so IDF soldiers do not rape the women to avoid creating new Palestinians and little intifaders.

Here is Nitzan at her finest: "In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it can be seen that the lack of military rape merely strengthens the ethnic boundaries and clarifies the inter-ethnic differences - just as organized military rape would have done." Israeli racism has resulted in suppressed Jewish-male sexual desire for Palestinian women, just another manifestation of Zionist racism. Since the absence of rape of Arab women by Israeli soldiers has no parallel in any other human army in wartime anytime in history, the only conclusion must be that Jewish soldiers are far more racist and intolerant than the others.

Now Nitzan and her guru Gurevitch rule out automatically all other alternative explanations for why Israeli troops do not rape Arab women. The possibility that Israeli troops are simply civilized humans is ruled out as an imponderable. Ditto for the possibility that Jewish ethics serve to deter such abuse of Arab women. Instead, Nitzan claims that Arab women in Judea and Samaria are not raped by IDF soldiers because the women are "de-humanized" in the soldiers' eyes. I guess that means they are not rape worthy. You know, unlike Shulamit Aloni, Yael Dayan, and Tamar Gozansky. How did Nitzan reach these cosmic conclusions? By conducting "interviews" with 25 soldiers. That is what the Hebrew University has sunk to… regarding 25 interviews as research comprising a MA thesis. I am willing to bet a year's salary that not a single one of those soldiers said that he was foregoing raping Arab women because he was afraid it would spawn little Palestinian intifada terrorists. So essentially Nitzan is saying that the proof that Israeli soldiers are brutal oppressive stormtroopers is in the fact that they do NOT mistreat and sexually abuse Palestinian women, not even the Palestinian terrorist women apprehended after trying to murder Jews.

And as if this were not enough, let us note that not a single one of the many radical feminist mini-organizations that plague Israel had a single moo to utter about this obviously anti-woman "research" paper inflicted upon the world by the Hebrew University. According to her own thesis logic, if little Tal herself were to be raped by Hamas terrorists, I guess this would pretty much prove that they are egalitarian and progressive seekers of peace and justice.

Makor Rishon, a rightwing Hebrew weekly (www.makorrishon.co.il (http://www.makorrishon.co.il)) broke the story of this Hebrew University "research" proving that Rape Refusal by Israeli soldiers serves to prove how racist they are.

(The Shaine Center for Research in the Social Sciences was established in 1987 following a donation from the Shaine family, USA. Its aim is to advance research in the social sciences. The Head of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology is responsible for the Center, working alongside an Academic Committee.

The Center's main purpose is to support research into a range of phenomena in Israeli society. To that end the Center offers financial support for research carried out in the Faculty for Social Sciences. About two-thirds of the distributed funds go to the Department of Sociology and Anthropology.)

Huh? For years Israelis have been falsely accused of raping Palestinian women, and were called racists for it. Now they are being accused of racism for NOT raping Palestinian women.

The fact that such a thesis paper could possibly be supported by any serious academic is a testament to how low the worldwide university system has sunk. The fact that this paper could possibly have been given an academic PRIZE is even more scary. And the fact that nobody is protesting this entire event is friggin' terrifying.

Intellectual anti-semitism at its best... or worst.


Jan 3, 2008, 10:49 AM
Here is the argument in a nutshell.

“Since the absence of rape of Arab women by Israeli soldiers has no parallel in any other human army in wartime anytime in history, the only conclusion must be that Jewish soldiers are far more racist and intolerant than the others.”

The only thing interesting thing I find about this is the answer to the question…Why the absence of rape of Arab women by Israeli soldiers has no parallel in any other human army in wartime anytime in history?

Jan 3, 2008, 01:56 PM

How dare you use the word 'intellectual.' I'd laugh if weren't so darn "friggin' terrifying."

By that 'logic' I guess this means those UN peacekeepers in Africa have proven they aren't racist by raping the women (http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/005/081zxelz.asp) of the Congo, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea and elsewhere. It must also mean the U.S. is definitely racist by introducing a UN resolution (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/17/world/17nations.html?_r=1&oref=slogin) against "rape used by governments and armed groups to achieve political and military objectives."

Could that also give us insight into solving the global war on terror? Seriously, if U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan would rape the Jihadist's women wouldn't that show we're not racist and intolerant toward Muslims?

Jan 3, 2008, 03:07 PM
That just "takes the cake" so to speak. You are dam*ed if you and dam*ed if you don't.

Jan 3, 2008, 03:41 PM
By a vote of 143 to 3 (USA, Israel, Micronesia) with 6 abstentions, the UN General Assembly passed a Saudi Arabian initaited resolution condemning Zionism as racism and appointed a committee to monitor the incidence of rape in the IDF and ensure that as many Palestinian Arab women are raped as Israeli Jews.

Saudi spokesman Abdul Wahabi Salafi noted, "In our country, we know how to treat women. According to reports, not only does the IDF not rape women, but the Zionist dog judges don't order beatings for raped women either. We are also investigating reports that the racist Zionist regime doesn't allow wife beating. This is an abridgement of Muslim freedom of religion. We will submit a separate resolution about that human rights violation."

Jews against Zionism spokesman Mendel Parashivizhid, back from kissing Mamoud Ahmadinejad, commented, "Typical of those racist Zionists. Not like us true tora Jews - the Netureh Karteh. We'll rape anyone."

Queers for Palestine commented, "The Zionist racist report didn't even mention rape of men. Apparently, the evil IOF don't do that at all. It is despicable."

Jan 3, 2008, 03:50 PM
Christian Peace Teams Hebron condemned the IDF policy. A CPT spokesperson noted that non-rape of Palestinian women is typical of Jewish exclusivism. She further noted and denounced the existence of the pernicious Ethical Code of the IDF. "The only code anyone needs is the teachings of Jesus Christ. If IDF followed Jesus this wouldn't be happening. He said 'Love they neighbor as thyself.'"

In Al-Ahram, Khaled Amayreh condemned the failure of the Zionist occupation forces to succumb to the charms of Palestinian women. "The Jewish Talmud and the Chesronot Shas teach the evil Jews that goyim are subhuman," charged Amayreh. Amayreh's story got top billing in the Egyptian supported government paper. The US State Department asked congress to double the US aid subsidy to Egypt.

Jan 3, 2008, 04:36 PM
Too funny Elliot!

DC, where did you take those quotes from or did you make them up? They are hysterical. PMSL!

Jan 3, 2008, 04:38 PM
OMG! I keep rereading that quote from the "Tora Jews" "We'll rape anyone." I can't stop laughing DC.

Jan 3, 2008, 04:45 PM
Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) demanded a special commission to investigate the heinous crime of non-rape of Palestinian women by the IOF (Israel Occupation Forces).
Amnesty International declared that failure to rape Palestinian women had caused an acute humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Former Israeli president Moshe Katsav was quick to distance himself from the behavior of the IDF. "I had nothing to do with this disgraceful behavior. During my tenure in public service I was always an equal opportunity rapist," stated Katsav.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stated, "This dehumanizing behavior is exactly like the humiliation my people suffered for years under Jim Crow laws."

Activist Jeff Halper noted, "This is yet another illustration of Zionist apartheid in action."
The British union of steamfitters, hod carriers, journalists and sex deviants voted to boycott Israel for its racist policy of not raping Palestinian women. Noted one member, "It's outrageous. The Jew bastards said they respect Palestinian women as mothers."

A Belgian court convicted IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi in absentia, on a charge of high war crimes stemming from failure to order the rape of three Palestinian women in 2006. If Ashkenazi ever visits Belgium, he could be arrested and incarcerated for this crime.

Jan 3, 2008, 04:55 PM
OMG! I keep rereading that quote from the "Tora Jews" "We'll rape anyone." I can't stop laughing DC.
[Note - Except for the actual study and its conclusions, (see Help! Rape! ) duly approved by the Hebrew university, this report is a satire. No actual human rights activists were involved in creating this report except yours truly.]
Cross posted: Israel News Middle East Analysis:)

Jan 3, 2008, 05:05 PM
Clever mind! Thanks for the laughs. Definitely appreciated.:)

Jan 4, 2008, 10:21 AM

Unfortunately, the actual study is real, as was the prize that was awarded for it.

And yes, DC is pretty funny.


Jan 4, 2008, 10:31 AM
I think the whole thing is funny in a silly way, and I can't believe anyone took it serious.

“Since the absence of rape of Arab women by Israeli soldiers has no parallel in any other human army in wartime anytime in history, the only conclusion must be that Jewish soldiers are far more racist and intolerant than the others.”

I don't believe the premise or conclusion is true…but then I don't suppose the award was for truthfulness, anymore that what I posted was for truthfulness.

Jan 4, 2008, 11:18 AM
Elliot, I knew what you posted was very real. I still think it is funny. As DC says, "I can't believe anyone took it serious(ly)." I guess I should be appalled at why anyone would award her a prize for this, but I haven't read the entire thesis. Maybe they awarded her a prize due to her uncanny ability to tie in enough facts and present them in a very logical, rational, and cohesive way, as to be able to come to that conclusion. A good thesis doesn't have to be right, but predicated upon a persons ability to properly support their conclusions. Sounds like she will make a great political analyst one day. :)

Jan 4, 2008, 12:57 PM
Maybe they awarded her a prize due to her uncanny ability to tie in enough facts and present them in a very logical, rational, and cohesive way, as to be able to come to that conclusion. A good thesis doesn't have to be right, but predicated upon a persons ability to properly support their conclusions. Sounds like she will make a great political analyst one day. :)
Or a great sophist…for the art of the sophist is the semblance of wisdom without the reality, and the sophist is one who makes money from an apparent but unreal wisdom.:)

Jan 4, 2008, 01:32 PM
There you go! Whatever works for you DC. LOL!