View Full Version : I would like to get fat

Jan 1, 2008, 12:55 PM
Hi everybody this is my first time on here so I'm still learning I allways wanted to gain weight I could eat an eat but its no help for me does anybody know what I could do to gain weight I thank you all for taken your time to help me the reason why is I'm 19 110pd I just think I should b a little bigger than I am an how do u answer the person that answer your question

Jan 1, 2008, 01:56 PM
Make cooking your hobby?

Try losing weight--thats the best way for me to gain!

Jan 1, 2008, 02:49 PM
Well, if you want to gain weight, skip breakfast. It slows your metabolism and makes it sluggish all day. And it can turn your food straight to fat because your body thinks it's starving. I am wondering why someone would want to gain weight though, unless it's for health reasons.

Jan 1, 2008, 02:52 PM
Exercise regularly and vigorously and stick to high-protein foods like meat and dairy products. Vitamin supplements may help also ; also high-protein shakes and similar products.

Jan 1, 2008, 02:57 PM
Try to be small all your life and you just want somethen so bad I know I'm fine I just want change my size everybody wants to be skinny I just want to be a little bigger

well, if you want to gain weight, skip breakfast. It slows your metabolism and makes it sluggish all day. And it can turn your food straight to fat because your body thinks it's starving. I am wondering why someone would want to gain weight though, unless it's for health reasons. y would u won't to b small

Exercise regularly and vigorously and stick to high-protein foods like meat and dairy products. Vitamin supplements may help also ; also high-protein shakes and similar products.
Thank you for the support

Jan 1, 2008, 03:24 PM
Try drinking slim fast while eating normal foods. Slim fast only works if you only eat it alone so the more foods the more calories plus more calories from the slim fast.
My cousin did it to gain weight to join the military, just don't gain the weight too fast it's unhealthy, so is gaining too much weight, and don't gain weight just to impress anyone.
Good Luck

Jan 1, 2008, 03:33 PM
Try eating icecream every night before going to bed.The real stuff,not sherbet or yogurt. Also,if you take a multvitamin every day,it will stimulate your appetite.

Jan 1, 2008, 03:46 PM
Try drinking slim fast while eating normal foods. Slim fast only works if you only eat it alone so the more foods the more calories plus more calories from the slim fast.
My cousin did it to gain weight to join the military, just don't gain the weight too fast it's unhealthy, so is gaining too much weight, and don't gain weight just to impress anyone.
Good Luck
I'm 5 ft 110pd what would u say and thank u a lot

Try eating icecream every night before going to bed.The real stuff,not sherbet or yogurt. Also,if you take a multvitamin every day,it will stimulate your appetite.
Thank you for your support