View Full Version : How to stop felling down

Dec 31, 2007, 11:39 AM
Recently I have been very down I am seared I will stop eating again dose every one feel like this or is there something wrong with me? I can't ever remember feeling happy any more I feel like there is just no pont living if I will feel like this all my life :( can I stop myself from feeling this?

Dec 31, 2007, 12:26 PM
Do you have a friend or family member you could discuss this with that you haven't thought of?

Dec 31, 2007, 12:32 PM
Twinkelstar. Maybe you need to be in sme type of counseling for your depression eating disorder. You mentioned that you had been raped in another post. I am not sure how old you are? But this is an awfully lot to deal with by yourself. Not eating will only make things worse for you... you need nutrients for your body to make it function properly. Your brain needs the proper nutrients as well to be able to focus, learn and balance your emotions.

Everyone feels down sometimes, but it is serious when you don't feel like living, this doesn't have to be how you go through your life feeling. There is help out there, but you have to seek out people that can help you. Talk with your parents or someone else that you can trust.

Homegirl 50
Dec 31, 2007, 12:32 PM
Are you the young lady who was sexually assaulted? Have you talked to your parents about your feelings? Can you talk to them? You can check with the counselor at school they can put you in touch with a professional to talk to. Get some help young lady. You are not alone, and there is help.

Dec 31, 2007, 02:41 PM
I have a counsellor but I find it hard to tell her stuff its not because of her I just can't tell people as in ashamed xx twinkel

Dec 31, 2007, 02:44 PM
Everybody feels like not living at times right?

Dec 31, 2007, 02:57 PM
recently i have been very down i am seared i will stop eating again dose every one feel like this or is there something wrong with me i can't ever remember feeling happy any more i feel like there is just no pint living if i will feel like this all my life :( can i stop my self from feeling this?

Your not the only one who fells left out. But not discussing it with anybody will make it worst. A I sagest a therapies if you ask me. If you have an family member that you are close to or an friend, you should talk to them. But if you don't talk to anybody, you might always feel like this. I hope you have an happy holiday and don't spend it alone. Hang out with friends and family. May god be with you in these dark times.

God Bless

Dec 31, 2007, 05:11 PM
I have been feeling relly down and the only thing that stops this is drugs recintely I was took in to hospitl because of speed (wizz) so I stopped using it for a week or two and just smoked weed but I no I should stop them both but whould you rather feel dow or brake and the law risk going in to hospitel for a little bit of happyness?

Dec 31, 2007, 05:18 PM
It's not happiness, it's all a delusion and only goes downhill from the first time that you tried it.

You should stop NOW. And get professional help. Get a support system of friends and family. Go to a drug counselor. Do things that will keep your mind from drugs. School, work, hobbies, learn another language, volunteer...

Dec 31, 2007, 05:44 PM
THANKS you are all very nice people and iif there was more people like you lot I would not feel like this as I would not need to put up with s**t

Dec 31, 2007, 06:16 PM
With using drugs you are going to have a whole new set of problems, to deal with in addition to the ones you already have.

Dec 31, 2007, 06:22 PM
Yes I agree but it makes everythink feel greate at the time its so much better than how I uselly feel xx twinkel

Dec 31, 2007, 06:40 PM
These drugs with their highs and lows are not good for your mental and emotional well being. You should stop them all right away. If that's hard for you, then see a drug abuse counsellor and talk about it. Talk talk talk, it helps to get good feedback. You may also benefit from an anti depressant. So, see a regular counsellor or doctor,too. And pray, prayer changes things.

Dec 31, 2007, 07:08 PM
I feel like I want to cry when I read this I like to pretend that I don't feel sad and all the things in my life that have happened are not real just a dream but when I read this I see they are real and I need help to deal with them I'm just to seared I don't want to admit that there real xx twinkel xx

Dec 31, 2007, 07:20 PM
You are self medicating by using drugs... that only leads to more problems, more trouble down the line. You need to face what is bothering you head on to get over it.

If you continue down this path you will have more problems, possibly jail time, fines, and a drug conviction and a future trying to get jobs you will never be able to attain.

Work on your problems without the drugs. Find a good counselor you can confide in.

Jan 8, 2008, 04:58 PM
Yes, I find the people very genuine and know their stuff regardless what subject from questions I have asked on this site. You'll pull through by keeping posted. Someimes it's a lot easier to talk to a stranger and it's not private because others are studying the responses which is very good, and if any wrong answers are given others will quickly act!! Keep in touch

Jan 8, 2008, 05:05 PM
Drugs... Hmmm

Maybe you should read these two threads in their ENTIRETY!!




I don't think this is how you want to live.