View Full Version : Why the pain?

Dec 26, 2007, 03:11 PM
Why do people say that their bones, muscles ache more right before it rains ? I aways thought they were a little off. But I have a shifted spine> car accident and a few screwed up disc... my back hurts and so do my knees and my legs kill me with shooting pains... esp right before it rains. Am I crazy? Is this all in my head... does anyone else on here have these pains before the rain comes? Oh and I am only 44 yrs old.

Dec 26, 2007, 03:32 PM
I can't tell you for certain B... But it is believed to be from the change in barometric pressure that can cause things such as pain in your case, and asthma attacks as in the case of my son.

It's not in your head. It does happen.

Dec 26, 2007, 03:38 PM
I was sitting here a few nights ago and pains started shooting through my legs... seems as though it is in the bones... I started worrying about bone cancer. Later that night it started raining. Whew I was so happy... I feel like such a nutcase. I am going to look up barometric pressure, so maybe I could get a tool that can determine when the pressure is rising and make notes and medicate myself or at least be aware so I'm not quitely freaking out.

Dec 26, 2007, 03:39 PM
I know bushy, and I feel the pain too. I don't know if being a diabetic is any direct cause of the joint pain I have, or not. I know that diabetics have muscle pain and I do too. I tried celebrex a short while ago and went off it because quite frankly, I would rather know where the pain is. Might sound funny but that's how I am. I found I was much better off the celebrex then on it with side effects like diahrrea which only happened later on.

I am effected more in the damp rainy weather then any other time. Now I find I don't like the cold all that much, or my arms bare in bed at night. Have to wear something on my upper arms at least.

I found Ibuprofen a good anti inflammatory for me, don't know if it would do for you or not.

Dec 26, 2007, 03:45 PM
Tickle My knees burn so bad... but the shooting pains are the worst. I have learned to live with the back pain and a chriopractor really helps a lot. I have used naproxen but my feet swell really bad when I take it. I only use ibuprofen when I can't take it any longer. I don't want stomcahe problems.
I am going to visits my husbands orthopedic doctor I think he is great... it is hard for me to accept treatment... I am always worried what or how to take care of my animals and kids if I am down for the count. I have been looking at fibromylgia... I am thinking about talking to my gp about that. J9 do you think that could be a possibility.

Dec 26, 2007, 03:49 PM
Fibromyalgia could very well be an idea, and is worth exploring.

Bushy, are you on any cholesterol lowering meds? Statins to be specific?

Dec 26, 2007, 03:53 PM
No, my bp is low actually they often joke about whether I am alive or not. It is like 70 over 82 and as far as I know my levels are fine. I just have hypogyclemia. But I just watch what I eat and how often I eat. My body and joints and bones ache all of the time... I have plantar fasciitis that was treated about 7 years ago and is now back giving me hell. Honestly as far as colds, flu,etc... I am rarley ill.

Dec 26, 2007, 03:57 PM
Not BP meds, cholesterol lowering meds... But if you aren't on them, I won't go there, I was just formulating in my little head, LOL

I would discuss the possibility of fibromyalgia with the doctor, he may entertain the idea, but that is another one that is very hard to diagnose properly, and even to control with medication. But it is always a possibility.