View Full Version : Demon: energy parasite.

Lucas Ammons
Dec 19, 2007, 05:47 PM
I believe a demon is a energy based parasitic life form. Thoughts?

Dec 19, 2007, 05:57 PM
I believe in no demons. That's my thought.

Dec 19, 2007, 06:13 PM
Thoughts? Perhaps too much late night TV on the Sci-Fi channel

Lucas Ammons
Dec 19, 2007, 06:38 PM
Well a parasite is a life form that uses another's body to benefit only the parasite itself and not the host's body. Most of the electromagnetic spectrum humans can not visually see nor can we see the wind. Energy such as radioactive energy can pass right through the human body. So a demon is probably transparent gives off some kind of energy humans are unable to detect using the six senses.

Dec 20, 2007, 08:31 PM
LOL! There is no supernatural! No one has ever been able to prove there is a GodAlmighty and other assorted supernatural entities.

Dec 20, 2007, 09:12 PM
LOL!! There is no supernatural!! No one has ever been able to prove there is a GodAlmighty and other assorted supernatural entities.

Rom 1:19-22
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

Nature contains abundant proof of God.

I would be interested in your proof that there is no God.

Dec 20, 2007, 09:48 PM
The evidence you have graciously provided us here, does little to prove the point that you were trying to make. It merely expresses an opinion, not a fact. Because man, in his scientific investigations does not understand how all things work together, is not proof that those things are the work of God.

Obviously to those of religious faith, there is a belief in God, so God does exist in their minds and in concept. That existence has been created as an explanation for the unknown realities and relationships mentioned in your biblical quotation.

For those who do not accept that explanation of the unknown, God does not exist. Before the ideas in those verses ever came to the mind of man, there was no such explanation. Before man questioned those relationships, there was no need of an explanation. The Creator therefore was created to explain creation.

Can it be shown that the Creator explanation has any foundation before man arrived at the conclusion of the supernatural or infinite powers that could not be comprehended by man?

In the lack of such evidence, the Creator explanation is little more than a complex make believe fantasy which has been embelished, reveared, and endoctrinated for millennia.

Dec 20, 2007, 10:11 PM
I believe that there is no god. IF there is a god he is an absolute c***!
Think about it, right at this moment young children with innocent souls are dying of starvation. Where is your god?
The homeless are freezing to death on the streets every night. Do these people deserve this? They may be very religious men/women but regardless there god is not going to stop them from freezing to death.
Many in this world are born with physical disabilities. What happened there god? Why them? They hadn't sinned, they didn't even have the chance to sin.
How about the blind and the deaf? Why them?
If there was a god why would he punish the innocent? Why would he make his own creations suffer?

Think of this, right now there is a 3 year old boy in a third world country who will starve to death before new-year. Why does god not help him? The boy has not sinned. Why does he deserve to die? Perhaps it is his time to return back "home". God may be saving him from a lifetime of suffering? Well mabe so, however think about "heaven" for a minute. It is supposedly this absolutely perfect place. BUT it is also a holy place. A place without the "devil" or any of his "temptations". SO therefore attractive men/women will not be in heaven, for they are temptation. Nice cars, sorry but you won't find them in heaven either as they too are a temtation. Sex, well I am sorry but there would be no reason for sex in heaven so therefore I guess it is a temptation. I think you get what I am trying to say here.

Religion is the biggest lie ever told. It has done great damage(religious wars.. and so on) and until the spreading of this lie is ceased it will continue to cause great damage.

Lucas Ammons
Dec 21, 2007, 07:49 AM
God puts trails in our lives to test our resolve. I can't walk on my own, I need the aid of canes. I have CP. My legs maybe weak, but god has cancelled out that weakness with strengths. My arms support my body wieght when I'm walking. Although I'm unable to play sports god has granted me a unquincable thirst for knowledge. Sure we had our differences but he's always there for me. TJ3 has defiantly got the right idea, Semper Fi man! Life proclaims god's existence. What is science without religion? Just a bunch of theory and speculation. What is religion without science? Pure faith and very dogmatic toward science. Did Life evolve on its own? The odds of that are very slim. Did God create life but not allowing it to evolve? Yes and No. God created life I do not dispute that, but he also designed to adapted and change to better survive in a changing environment. Monkeys did not change into humans however. They are similar but separate species who are related. Know the first aniphabians are said have have lobed finned fish that deployed the ability to walk on land.

Ok, a fish that to has deal with times of drought can either dig into the mud or dies a slow death as the water levels drop or in the case of lobed finned fish walk to another pond. The word Amphibians comes from the greek words Amphi meaning double and bios meaning life. God created life that can adapt and change. Religion says god exists, and science if it is used in the right way glofies god. Science CAN NOT disprove god. No matter what.

If god does not exist, then how did life come to be? Science has ruled out that spantanous generation can happen, and yet athesists say life just happened. No divine creation, Life just basically come about by spantanous generation. What's wrong this picture? Only GOD can create life properly. He is the only one that should. Humans are not GOD/ALLAH. We are only made his image.


Sep 20, 2010, 10:23 PM
Why do these damn christians always have to pop out of the woodwork and annoy the piss out of anyone with half a brain? Can't you guys go be QUIETLY righteous somewhere?

Jul 14, 2013, 10:14 AM
Why is everyone's thinking so linear? There is a God or there isn't. And if there is a God, why isn't everything good? The real question is why we place our own feelings about good and evil onto God? Why do good people die? Who said death was a punishment? If you don't know exactly what happens when you die, you surely cannot assume it is a punishment. Because someone cannot be seen anymore, they were punished? You are arguing something through a human framework. You say those people don't deserve what they get? Maybe it is a learning experience or maybe they were born with karma. In the theory of reincarnation, it all does make sense... and if you say reincarnation can't be proven then study Dr. Ian Stevenson's work and come up with an alternative explanation. Or Brian Weiss.

You cannot refute something by quoting a bible that man wrote. Maybe inspired by God, but written by man, which means it goes through the human brain with its biases and preconceptions. The bible is not factual. It is based entirely on perception and interpretation. Two people can read the same passage and have completely different conclusions. Even the four gospels in the New Testament do not agree with each other. In a factual book, there are not those types of inconsistencies. And they were written 100 years after the event, passed down verbally for generations. That does not qualify as a historical account. Instead it contains different perceptions about what happened long after the event happened. Ask witnesses in a crime scene only a week after the event and see how different their explanations are from what really happened. And that is only a week!

You cannot prove God to anyone but yourself. And you cannot disprove God. You would have to rule out everything else and that is infinite, so not really practical. And you surely cannot disprove God by citing evil or inequity in the world. That exists in the constructs of this world. God transcends duality. God is not good or evil but beyond that type of duality. And it doesn't mean that God is not there; maybe just hidden or maybe just helping those souls deal with their circumstances. The sun is also still there on a cloudy day even if you can't see it. And whoever wrote about human temptations in a spiritual world is not talking about a spiritual world. Soul energy is not "good looking" and material items do not exist so I have no idea what you are talking about... Do you think the spiritual world is just an invisible material world, exactly the same? With the same temptations? It doesn't make sense.

How do you prove or disprove love? By its expressions? That is not really proof. Because you have personally felt it? So maybe the people who think God does not exist have not felt it. And the expressions are seen to be the result of something else. If you say that love can be proven by the parts of the brain that are stimulated, just look at people in meditation or in communication with God. Those parts of the brain are also stimulated. Plus, the entire concept of God goes beyond the human brain, so that is not really applicable.

In any case, those who believe in God will never prove it to someone who doesn't and vice versa. Most people who believe have felt it. To them, it is not a theory. But just as those who believe in love (because they have felt it) cannot prove love to someone who hasn't. Let people find what they believe in their own way on their own timetable. Your argument will never convince them.

Jul 14, 2013, 10:29 AM
And everyone has gotten off track from the original question. Yes, it does seem like there is negative energy existing independently, which some call demonic energy. But it is not only parasitic. If it can exist independently, then it is not a parasite. It may have parasitic abilities but it does not die without attachment to a human form.

Jul 14, 2013, 02:06 PM
And everyone has gotten off track from the original question. Yes, it does seem like there is negative energy existing independently, which some call demonic energy. But it is not only parasitic. If it can exist independently, then it is not a parasite. It may have parasitic abilities but it does not die without attachment to a human form.

Be aware this post is from 2007...