View Full Version : Acne between Breasts.

Dec 18, 2007, 05:12 PM
As disgusting as this is to talk about... I have 2-3 small pimples in between my breasts. I shower daily, using skin therapy bodywash. Any ideas to clear it up?

Dec 18, 2007, 05:29 PM
If you are a large cup size, it's difficult. I have the same thing. I use a clearasil pad two to three times a day in the area, followed by a tissue to dry it up... it's from the moisture...

Dec 18, 2007, 05:35 PM
I wear a 34D

Dec 18, 2007, 05:35 PM
I'm a 36C. That's my point.

Dec 18, 2007, 09:27 PM
You'll need to keep the area dry and free of oil. Premix 1:1 Cepecol Mouthwash and Witch Hazel. When you need to use it put 1/3 warm water into 2/3 of the pre-mixed solution.
Wash with a gauze pad to remove all of the excess oil and body wash from the area. The actual created mix is 1/3 water, 1/3 Cepecol and 1/3 Witch Hazel.

Use an acne cream on the pimples.

Test the area frequently for oil and dampness. Treat again as necessary.

Once things have cleared up, pay attention to sweat and oilyness. Remove with the above mixture and skip the acne cream. Treat when necessary.

Dec 21, 2007, 12:09 AM
Diet has everything to do with it. Any rancid oils you take in will contribute to your problem. This includes ANY fast food, any fried food, any heated oil, and any partially-hydrogenated oils. Any fat you take in should be from either whole food sources, such as nuts and seeds (in their raw form, as roasted nuts and seeds will also have rancid oils, which are carcinogens), avocados and olives, or from high quality oils such as hemp seed oil, walnut oil, flax oil (be careful of your source, as flax easily goes bad), or avocado oil. Be careful of too much olive oil as well. Most of the stuff you can get in america is rancid. It also does not have a very balanced ratio of omega fatty acids. Hemp oil is the best as far as balanced omegas are concerned.

Hormone imbalance can also be a contributing factor. This is caused by eating any soy products, as they are naturally high in estrogen, which can throw off hormonal balance, leading to body acne, among other things. Also, consuming any products with added hormones (any animal products) will also cause a disruption in hormonal balance.

Dec 25, 2007, 04:21 PM
Do you wear an underwire bra? Note where the wires come together in your cleavage.

If it is on or rubbing near the pimply area, you have to wash your bras very seriously and never wear one that has already been worn.

You can keep the cleavage dry during the day by purchasing individual alcohol swabs for a very inexpensive price and wipe your cleavage a couple of time during the day.

Aug 8, 2011, 04:30 PM
@Santi - I know this article is really old, but I have breast acne and I will tell you diet doesn't have anything to do with it, unless the strictest diet on the planet causes it. I can not eat any oil or any fat (basically) whatsoever right now (and for 42 days). HCG is stricter than anything you could possibly do on your own (with only 500 calories a day intake). So I seriously doubt that's what's causing the acne.