View Full Version : Can I become more taller?

Dec 7, 2007, 01:25 AM
Dear Sir,

I am 25 years old and my height is 5'2".
My father is also 5'2" in height.
My mother is 5'4" tall and my younger sister who is only 16 years old is already 5'7" tall.
I wish to know the reason for me being short and whether I can grow taller than my sister.

I have always seen brothers taller than their sisters. Are there any other instances of brothers shorter than their sisters. Let me know. Because I really feel embarrassed when we go out for family functions.

Thanks n regards,

Dec 7, 2007, 05:17 AM
It's hard for guys to be short. My first husband was shorter than two of his three sisters. He hated it, other boys used to pick on him in school. But, that's why I liked him so much. He didn't tower over me and physically dominate our relationship. Later, he got into construction and his "little Napoleon" characteristics began to get really bad. He would tell me stories about how guys he worked with talked to and treated their women. He started to be a bully, both with words and pushing me around. I left.

There is a surgery, I think, that can make your legs longer. You simply inherited your Dad's height. It's no crime to be short. There are plenty of jobs that are easier to be good at if you're shorter. Don't worry about your sister being taller than you either. You are still her big brother. I'd bet she loves you just the way you are.

Dec 12, 2007, 10:42 PM
I agree with simoneaugie. You should be happy with the way you are although it can seem diffucult. Anyway you shouldn't feel embarrassed because no one has the right to tease you about your height.

If you go on e-bay or something, I've heard of high heeled shoes. They are shoes but they make you look taller by having an invisible sort of heel that makes you look taller. I'm not sure but you can have a check on Google or something

Dec 15, 2007, 01:54 AM
I've grown an inch in a month from stretching exercieses and taking multi-vitamins and glutamine.

No lies, my name on growtallforum.com is the same phil_stl and you can see my routine. I'm sure you could get a 2-3 inches from doing some of the routines outlined on the site.

I'm positive you can gain about an inch in height in your spine, but won't get all scientific as to why.
And you probably could gain even more height through shin bone exercises.

Anyway chat on that forum and search around (google is a great resource) and you will find ways to grow taller... just don't fall for supplements that are expensive and you don't know what you're getting... they are just overpriced multi-vitamins.

By the way I don't recommend the surgery, it's dangerous and extremely expensive (around $20 000) and will only get you 1-3 inches... which you could get from the exercices you'll find online.

Dec 21, 2007, 12:19 AM
Having dominant and recessive "short" genes spread throughout your family is the reason why you are short and your sister is tall.

Meditate on the concept that you are not your body.

Yoga and other forms of stretching, if done consistently as a lifestyle practice can over time increase one's height.