View Full Version : Massive bed bug bite cluster?

Dec 9, 2005, 07:32 AM
Hello! I recently moved into a room where the landlord "neglected" to tell me that they had bed bugs even though he knew before. I have been getting bitten maybe 3 times a night, and then last week I was bitten in a one inch patch of skin over 20 times... or so I though when I counted the little brown spots... im in the process of miving out now, and last night I slept in my new room (new sheets, pj's etc) and I haven't actually moved anything in yet apart from my toothbrush. But the number of these little brown spots have doubled, and I'm in some considerable pain... so I've got over 40 (what seem to be) bite marks in a 1 inch squared area... is this normal?

Dec 9, 2005, 07:52 AM
Here is a link:

This link has a good explanation of the bed bug. The increasing size of your bites might be an allergic reaction. Normally, they just cause itching, redness, and a little discomfort.
Some types of creams help with the itching and redness, such as Hydrocortizone (or Cortizone 10), which is 10% hydrocortizone.
If they continue to spread or get worse, I would definitely see a doctor and get a professional opinion.

DJ 'H'
Dec 9, 2005, 08:35 AM
How nasty. I cannot believe the landlord did not inform you of this? More so that he did not do anything about it.

You poor thing?

Dec 9, 2005, 08:44 AM
Thanks for the advice and sympathy! :)

DJ 'H'
Dec 9, 2005, 08:46 AM
No one should have to go to bed at night and be constantly bitten by nasty little bugs.

That landlord needs really needs to get his priorities straight.

I hope the bites clear up!