View Full Version : Long distance relationship, very interesting situations,

Nov 28, 2007, 03:19 PM

I have a question about something.

Met someone about a month or two ago. She lives hundreds of miles away, but its easy to take a cheap shuttle to see each other, or even drive a few hours. Its not even the issue, if anything it makes things more interesting.

Anyway, we used to talk so many times a day, seemed very interested. Sent nice texts all the time... then it stopped and slowed down big time.

Her birtrhday passed, I saw her, all was good, but even then I noticed one word conversations, not calling as much, and personally, if she's seeing someone else, then, fine, we never made a real commitment yet. But the point is, she is coming up for my birthday.

She went home for a few days which is on the otherside of the country, didn't hear from her at all, but then again, I couldve called too. Now she's coming up for my birthday, after I asked her, but even when I asked she said "are u sure u still want me to come?"...

So all I'm saying is, if someone didn't like u, they wouldn't travel hundreds of miles to see you for your birthday out of pure guilt for coming to hers, correct? It's that simple, right? There's no way she could be using me for a weekend out right? Wouldn't make sense.

Nov 28, 2007, 03:34 PM
Personally, I know that I wouldn't travel a couple hundred miles to see someone I didn't like. I don't even like driving the 20 miles to see my boyfriend, and I like him. So I think she might like you, just don't read into it too much. Some girls are weird about calling guys (I know I am) and they wait for the guys to call them.

Hope this helps...

Nov 28, 2007, 04:05 PM
Long distance relationships are hard... I know. My husband is in the military and he is in a different province 3/4ths of the time. Rockstar is right, if she didn't like you she wouldn't be travelling so far to see you. Try to make your relationship exciting by coming up with funny, cute things that you think she will like. If you see something at the mall that makes you think of her, then buy it and mail it to her with a love note in it. She will really appritiate it. Call up her local florist and get flowers sent to her house on special occations. She is probably just losing a bit of interest because long distance relationships can get a little boring so spice it up a bit!!
Good luck with everything :)

Nov 28, 2007, 04:05 PM
I agree, and thanks for that. But then, lets look at the scenario, we met about 2 months, month and a half ago,we would talk so many times a day, she sent me these cute "xoxo thinking of you" texts for the first few weeks, and now its cold and luke warm, barely any phonecalls, doesn't seem interested anymore about what goes on in my life, doesn't ask questions now, lots of one word answers on instant messenger and I'm the one who leads most of the conversations and they're not even that interesting anymore because she doesn't talk much anymore. So the point I was saying is, she has all the characteristics of someone who has lost interest, but is still flying to come spend the weekend with me on my birthday??
I'm very patient, I haven't busted her chops about it, only mentioned her changes briefly and she said everythings cool. I'm the type of person to move on if its not working, I'm not looking for anything serious I guess, I don't mind there's a million other girls, its just I don't get the whole flying here thing based on what I've seen.

Nov 28, 2007, 06:00 PM
I really do think that if she is willing to travel so far to see you she must be still interested in you.

Dec 1, 2007, 09:24 PM
Mrjizzy... I understand what your trying to ask... but I think you know the answer to that question already. Once I dated this guy... long distance... same thing... I would get those "just thinking about you" text. I got a text every single morning. The text went from every day to 3x a week to once a week. Now, he still came from Virginia to Georgia to see me on occasions, but I kind of felt something was up. Doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't like you, but I definitely think someone else is lurking in the mist. Now, keep in mind.. this is a fairly new relationship. Is your relationship a committed relationship? Because if not, she has can still date other people... which is OK if she's not in a committed relationship with you. This is the thing though... if she is a fairly attractive female and you know that here are other men coming at her like bees on honey, then you got to do what is take to stand out from the rest... when you to do get together, you got to make that trip worth while to her. And don't think of it as competing with someone, but just fighting for what you want. If she's someone that you can see yourself with sometime in the future then do the damn thing! You said that you have no problem moving on... but maybe that's your problem... you probably move on to quick at times... just something to think about.