View Full Version : Can you Install a house trap yourself?

Nov 21, 2007, 09:17 PM
I just had a plumber come out and they told me that my house trap is rusted/clogged and has tree roots in it. Their recommendation is to replace it (I totally agree) I'm pretty sure that the code in Allegheny county, PA says that you have to keep the trap. Unfortunately, the Roto-Rooter guy said that it would cost about 5k to have it replaced. And an additional 5k if the sewage pipe to the street needs replaced. 10k seems really high!! If at all possible, I would love to do it myself.. but to squelch this notion, the plumber said only a master plumber was allowed to do the repairs. My question.. WHY?? If the county has to come out and inspect it anyway.. why would it matter WHO does the work?? I'm pretty sure I'm getting a snow-job here, and that they just said that to ensure that we pay to have to work done. Also, I'm pretty handy around the house, and I am not intimidated by the work at all. (yes I know, I have to call before I dig)

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!


[email protected]

Nov 22, 2007, 07:24 AM
the plumber said only a master plumber was allowed to do the repairs. My question.. WHY?? If the county has to come out and inspect it anyway.. why would it matter WHO does the work?? I'm pretty sure I'm getting a snow-job here, and that they just said that to ensure that we pay to have to work done
Unless you have codes that forbid it a home owner can pull the permit and do the work himself if it can pass inspection. Check with your local building department. Yes, if you're handy and have some help I can walk you through installing a new PVC running trap and sewer line. Depending on how deepthe line is you may need to hire or rent a backhoe to dig the trench. In the meantime4 try this for those roots. RootX or Robics Foaming Root Killer that contain Dichlobrnic are two products you could try.
A less expensive way would be to call around to garden supply stores and ask for fine grain Copper Sulphate. Put a 1/2 pound in your toilet and flush it down. Repeat in 6 months.
Hope this helps Tom

Jun 13, 2010, 04:51 PM
As far as I know, house traps have been illegal for many years. They were used before sinks had traps and toilets were self trapping. Check your local codes but I would recommend removing it entrely. It's an uneeded source of problems.


Milo Dolezal
Jun 13, 2010, 04:57 PM
I completely agree with Tom and Bob. You may NOT even need house trap. If you don't need it - you just cut out the old one and put in piece of new pipe in place of old trap.

If you need it, you can easily do it yourself. In my area, HomeOwner can do the work him/her self.

Let us know what you want to do. We'll be more than glad to lead you through the installation process...


Jun 28, 2011, 02:55 PM
Snow job hell your being kind.There scare tactics usually work.As a drain cleaner myself. I would remove the house trap go direct to the main line, just make sure you install a large clean out for it.most of the roots will probably be found right there.If there are more but the water flows the foaming root destroyer can be found on the web threw plumbers the sell it retail. I buy it whole sell works great. Good like to you here's to being handy.