View Full Version : Toilet handle needs be held down to flush

Nov 18, 2007, 11:05 PM
How do we fix: toilet handle needs be held down to flush:(

Nov 19, 2007, 06:52 AM
You need to madjust the flapper link. Let me show you how. With the flapper seated the linkage wants to have 1/4" of play. Too much play and the flapper doesn't get pulled back enough giving you a short flush. Too tight and it lets water seep past the flapper. I adjust the chain by the link and if it needs fine tuning, I bend the flush lever rod a bit untill I have the desired play in the linkage. One more thing about a flapper. you will see where the old flapper hooks onto the base of the white overflow tube. On a older type with no hooks the flapper has a ring that slips down over the overflow tube to the seat. If your tank has hooks, take a sharp knife or scissors and cut the neoprene ring off on the marks provided and hook the flapper on the hooks. Leaving the ring on will interfere with the flush. The water level in your tank should be 3/8 to 1/2" below the top of the overflow tube when the tank's filled. Good luck, Tom

Nov 21, 2007, 08:13 AM
This was very detailed and helpful. I easily realized my chain is too long!