View Full Version : Tonsil Stones

Nov 10, 2007, 03:32 PM
Hello, I just recently started getting tonsil stones, my first one I coughed up, and now they have come back. And they are driving me nuts,:mad: I have had one on my right tonsil for about 3 days now, I have tried everything to get rid of it and nothing. I have done alotta research to figure this matter out. I have tired coughing them (it) up, I have tried gargling with salt water, I tried gargling with a little peroxide mixed in my mouth washing thinking just maybe the bubbles would wash it out, I have tried scraping it with a qtip, I have tried pushing on my tonsils hoping the pressure would pop them out, and nothing its still there bugging the out of me. I think the problem may be that my tonsils are really far back, (or seem to be) I don't think I even reach it when I use the qtip, I did feel I may have brushed against it once with the qtip, but it didn't even move.. Can anyone please help me get these out of my throat?:confused: Is there any other ideas on a way of removing them? Thanks So Very Much :p

Nov 10, 2007, 03:59 PM
Most often stones and bone spurs are caused by deposits.Tonsil stones are deposits of sulfur.
Drink purified water with some squeezed lemon juice once a morning too.
Try gargling frequently with warm salt water or gargle with a mouthwash called Alkalol, which is basically salt water.
Also try probiotics like yogurt or acidophilus.

Dec 5, 2007, 09:55 PM
I get tonsil stone really really frequently!! I have tried gargling daily for a few weeks, lemon juice, everything, I even went out and bought a water pick which I HATE used because my tonsils are so sore ( I think I have tonsillitis, or strep). I can ussually just reach my fingers in to my mouth and try to pick them out, q-tips work okay when you take the cotton of the end. If you really cannot get it out, go to the doctor and they can do it for you.

Dec 9, 2007, 09:45 AM
I get them too. I asked my doctor about them and he said that it could be because I'm not drinking enough liquid when I eat and that makes food get stuck in my tonsils. Also I find when I eat food with little pieces like granola bars I get them.
I used to get them about once a week and since I started drinking more water with my food and not eating things like granola bars I rarly get them. But that's just a suggestion, your doctor may have something different for you.

Sep 28, 2009, 09:11 PM
I have been getting what sound like tonsil stones for the past couple years on and off. My doctor told me it's called acetomyces (a-see-toe-my-sees) though, not sure if that's spelled correctly.

I can only tell they are there because the taste in my mouth changes, and yes they drive me nuts too. I find using my pinky finger on the same side as the tonsil (right hand for right side tonsil) works best for reaching my tonsil. I apply pressure, sometimes a lot, around the outter edges of my tonsils in a circular motion pops them out well. I have tried to use Q-tips but you can apply much more pressure without hurting yourself if you use something soft and not absorbant like your finger. Then right after I gargle a bunch of times with diluted hydrogen peroxide (1/3 peroxide and 2/3 water). That's always what gets ride of them for me after a couple weeks of doing it. And I have no idea what makes them come back... but they do...