View Full Version : Mixed Signals from guy daughter has been seeing.what does it mean?

Nov 9, 2007, 11:28 AM
My daughter met this guy about 3 weeks ago and they have really hot it off. He has been so nice to her. He calls her all the time, wants to see her everyday, texts her Good Morning Beautiful, calls her terms of endearments... such as babe, darlin, kisses and hugs her, tells her he wants her to go camping with him and sleep under the stars... oh and did I mention he is gorgeous! He is almost 21 and my daughter is 19. She asked him last night what their relationship was and he said well we are friends and I don't think I want a relationship. He had his first girlfriend at age 19 and was really hurt by her and ended it in August so he is really gun shy and afraid of getting hurt. That is understandable but why is he acting like he is so into her and acting like they are in a relationship and saying the opposite? My daughter says she can tell he has feelings for her and she definitely does for him, so what is she to do?? He even tells her how much his mom likes her. UGH! I hate when she gets hurt! Any advice you could give her?

Nov 9, 2007, 11:38 AM
Here is what I think.. She can remain friends with him, as they are already, but try not to spend too much time with him, if her idea is to possibly date him in the future she can't be one of the "fellas" if you know what I mean. If they become best friends then the odds of her getting into a relatioship is less likely. I think he likes your daughter obviously if he wants her as a friend there is some form of connection. But advice your daughter not to be too pushy on the relationship subject, and just be friends for now. If she likes being around him and would like to maintain his friendship she need to respect his wishes, and wait until he is ready. But you also need to explain to her, that she can continue to live her life as well and not focus too much on waiting on him to make a decision.. But if it is meant to be then it would be.

Nov 9, 2007, 12:43 PM
Its only been three weeks,A smart guy will not commit so soon, and your daughter should guard her heart and wait to commit also. The fact that he is really into her makes it look promising though. She will always be your little girl, but sweetie, she will have some bumps along the road. We all do. Hope hers are small bumps, but you can't cushion the whole world to avoid having your child get hurt.