View Full Version : Okay to meet other guys

Nov 8, 2007, 03:50 AM
Does anyone out there feel it is okay for no strings relationships. I live my partner and feel trapped I don't love him anymore but do not have the bottle, confidence call it what you will to end the relationship. Having sex outside my relationship makes me feel alive again, I know it's wrong in my heart of hearts and yet it makes life at home more bearable. Anyone else feel the same as me. Im not looking for approval just want to know if anyone else is in my situation.

Nov 8, 2007, 04:18 AM
Being a guy, I'd be devastated if my girlfriend was doing that to me. He'll be less hurt if you tell him now how your feeling now. Carrying on like this and eventually telling him 6 months down the line will just hurt him more, so you shouldn't be worrying about not having the guts to tell him now.

Nov 8, 2007, 05:10 AM
Find some gumption and do what's right.

Nov 8, 2007, 05:17 AM
No, I do not feel it is okay to have sex with a no strings attached relationship WHILE you are still in a relationship. You can have your other sexual adventure - many adventures if you want - but do it as a single woman. Be honest with this guy, don't hide behind him or use him as a some kind of security blanket. How would you feel if he came home and told you he had been sleeping with another woman, but it was just for sex, that it really did not matter?

It never works to do what you are doing. And you know that or else you would not be writing here, trying to find someone to massage your guilt.

Have the discussion with your boyfriend. Ask him if he cares if you two have an open relationship. Maybe he will agree with you, but be prepared to share him as he has to share you.

Nov 8, 2007, 09:01 AM
No it isn't right to have sex with other people while you are in a relationship, but you don't need anyone's approval, just know that your actions, have consequences, and what comes around goes around. I think you should have asked yourself this question before you actually slept with this other person. To prevent your current boyfriend from being hurt. I am not in this situation but was on the other end of the stick, where my husband was sleeping with someone else. THe girl in fact was so proud of herself that she was being intimate with a married man, but when he decided he wanted to leave his family for this woman she wanted nothing to do with him. All I have to say is be careful what you are doing, don't ruin yourself. Respect yourself, respect your partner by telling him the truth, and don't be surprised if it comes back to you. Not wishing any bad upon you. But I hope you really think about what your doing and how would you feel if the tables were turned...

Good luck be honest with yourself and above all respect yourself if you want respect from others