View Full Version : Find biological mother

Nov 4, 2007, 09:29 PM
I would like to find my biological mother but have absolutely no information on her or how to start. I don't have money either to pay for a service. Can someone help get me started or point me in a direction.

Thank you

Nov 4, 2007, 10:43 PM
Were you adopted? If so try to adoption agency...

Nov 5, 2007, 01:36 PM
Thanks so much, its not like I didn't think of that. I have ABSOLUTELY no information other than my birthdate and place of birth. I don't know if it was a private adoption or through an agency. I have my original birth certificate but it has my adoptive parents info.

Nov 5, 2007, 08:28 PM
It sounds like most of the information lies within your adoptive parents. They will know where they adopted you. Ask them...

Nov 5, 2007, 08:55 PM
Its not that easy, my mom is deceased and I my dad is not in good health. Don't want him to think I don't appreciate what they did by adopting me. Its just not a subject to discuss.
Thanks anyway.

Nov 6, 2007, 10:48 AM
Most likely, yours was a closed adoption.

If that is the case, getting a hold of your original birth certificate may be extremely difficult.

If you know your place of birth, check with the courthouse in that county. They may be able to tell you what steps you'd need to take to see your original birth certificate.

Also... most areas have a limited number of adoption agencies. Unless you were born in or near one of the big cities (Chicago, Dallas/Ft Worth, New York--cities whose populations with the suburbs included number in the millions), you're probably only looking at a choice of 3-4 agencies in the area. You might try contacting ALL of the agencies in the area you were born, asking that if they have information pertinent to your birth mother that you'd like to be informed.

Other than those steps--try a site like Adoption.com. There's a lot of support and know-how there, and they may be able to tell you what steps you can take besides those I've listed.

Good luck!

Nov 6, 2007, 06:17 PM
Thanks for the help.


Dec 5, 2007, 11:49 AM
Where were you adopted? I am trying to find my son that I gave up for adoption years ago. Maybe we can help each other. I have 2 boys I am looking for. One would be 21 and one 23.