View Full Version : Oral agreements with tenant

Nov 4, 2007, 12:16 PM
I had an oral agreement with a tenant of mine that if she would clean the apartment, then she could stay there until nov. 1 for free. She had started to move in on Oct. 19. We have not signed a lease yet because she is on an assisted living program and we have to go in to their office to sign the lease and other papers. I thought everything was going to be ready by the 1st and it is not. Also, the tenant was supposed to switch the utilities over into her name, and they are still in mine. It is now nov. 4 and she is just living in my apartment for free at this moment. I have received most of the deposit though. I was just wondering if she never switched the utilities over, can I evict her? There is no signed lease or any other signed documents so where do I stand legally? Is she considered a trespasser? Please help. Thanks!

Nov 4, 2007, 12:33 PM
Is she renting an apartment or a room?
Can you simply tell her you are having the utilities shut off by say like Nov. 12th so she needs to get them switched before then or she is going to have to get them turned back on in her name after that? You need to get to the office and do the paper work and tell her she needs to get and stay current on the rent.