View Full Version : Future Career with background

Nov 3, 2007, 05:26 PM

Can a person who has a felony for embezzlement still become a nurse?

Nov 6, 2007, 10:11 AM
Any more a lot of places, even restaurants, aren't even hiring anybody with bad credit.
They claim that bad or slow credit is a reflection on the persons over all attitude with everything. I say it is discrimination and how is a person TO GET their credit right if they can't get a job to get their credit good. I have heard stories of hospitals that will not hire nurses if they embezzled money. So my guess would be that they won't but it might depend on the individual hospital policy. You might try calling a few hospitals (that aren't *related* to each other) and ask if it is their policy.

Nov 25, 2007, 11:19 PM
Sweetheart it depends on what state you are in. Check with the liscensing people in your state to find out.

Good Luck
