View Full Version : Sick all the time

Sick all the time
Nov 2, 2007, 10:30 AM
I get sick quite frequently, with colds and flu. The last cold I had lasted almost three months. It went away about three months ago and now I'm sick again and I've had this cold for about a month. I'm tired of being sick because it makes me groggy, and my sinus get really plugged. It affects my career and my school work. I'm 23 and I eat really good because I have hypoglycemia. I also work out on a regular basis. I don't smoke often but I do occasionally. I've asked the doctors before why I get sick so much and they brush it off as my hypoglycemia probably just makes my immune system weak. Should I be pushing them to look further into this?

Nov 2, 2007, 10:32 AM
If you feel there is other things going on, then you should push for them to look into it further. Have you got blood tests and other exams completed? What about allergies? Ever get tested? Maybe your immunity is low like you said but maybe there are other environmental things that are causing this. I am not professional just somebody with thoughts for you to check into.

Sick all the time
Nov 2, 2007, 10:38 AM
I have been tested for allergies, and I have none. I actually got tested last week. I've had many blood tests and I have not hear anything back, which my doctor said mean that there isn't a problem.