View Full Version : Could I be pregnant?

Nov 12, 2005, 08:28 AM
I had sex on September 20th.. I usually start my period on the 7th of each month and after I had sex I haven't really had a period.. in November I had really light bleeding that only lasted for 3 days and this month I'm just spotting again but this time it's brown?? This is not normal for me... I took a pregnancy test like 3 weeks after having sex but it came out negative... could I be pregnant? And another thing.. I had to have x-rays and a CT scan done... will that hurt the baby??

Nov 12, 2005, 08:52 AM
You posted the same question in two different places.
Again, Please see a doctor, explaining all this... before you have the scans; don't take any chances.

Nov 25, 2005, 02:14 PM
Could you be, yes you could well be pregnant. The only way to know is to go to the doctor, or buy a test. There is no way for us to be able to answer this one for you. I hope that things turn out the way you want them too good luck.