View Full Version : So cold!

Oct 31, 2007, 04:42 PM
I would have put please after ASAP, but couldn't.

Here is what's up:

I was sitting in a guard shack very small, about 3 foot by 7 foot. I had both doors closed, and both heaters running on full blast, AND I was wearing my securty jacket that has ALWAYS kept me warm. I was shivering as though I was standing naked in a meat freezer. The tip of my thumb, and my ringfinger on my left hand went numb and tingly. And right where the nail meets the skin, (the spot you get hangnails) turned a very light purple. However, my right hand was fine. I could literrally feel heat coming off my forehead, but I was still shaking like I was frozen. When I opened the door, the air outside (actually not that cold) actually stung my skin on my hands, I felt as though they had been dipped in boiling water. Then, just before I came here (to the office) my entire body just became insanely sore.

Approximately three hours have gon by, and I am just now beginning to stop shaking, but I can still feel a lot of heat coming off my forehead, and I already looked for a thermometer, but no luck, so I don't know if I am running a fever or not. So this leaves me with two questions,

1. What the heck is/was going on with me?
2. Is it a safe idea to stay at work?

Oct 31, 2007, 05:17 PM
You most likely have poor blood circulation if you are not coming down with a cold.
I have poor circulation and freeze easily sometimes I feel like I am getting a fever when it gets really bad. I freeze if the sun ain't shinin' and/or it is under 70 degrees. Eat foods (like chili) with these things Onion, Cayenne (peppers), Garlic, Ginger. And take Vitamin B complex, Ginkgo and Bilberry for herbal supplements. Take hot showers or baths.