View Full Version : Rib and back pain

Oct 31, 2007, 05:50 AM
I have been sick since Feb 07 with at the time what I thought was the flu. (no vomiting or diharea - extreme body ache, weakness and fever). Since I have had extreme tenderness in my lower back on both sides of my spine approximately where my ribcage ends and up my spine. I feel constant soreness followed all the way around to the front area of my ribs with most of the pain in the upper section near the breastbone and underneath my ribs. I feel like someone beat me and beat me again. The soreness would be compared to like when you have the wind knocked out of you and it's sore afterwards, and my back - sore to sit, to lay down, ice, heat, it always feels the same. I am tired and have had some weight loss, and am getting worse as the months have passed. Any ideas??

Oct 31, 2007, 06:40 AM
I'm not trying to be funny, but my idea is to go to a doctor! To suffer with something for 8 months is unacceptable. Its obviously not going away on its own. If you have some kind of internal injury, it's important to get it looked at ASAP. I hope you'll do so.

Oct 31, 2007, 06:54 AM
Yes, I agree on a doctor - unfortunately, I have no insurance, and am where I make too much yet am not poor enough. I have been hoping for simple ansers for I am afraid that they will run many tests, but on the other hand I keep trying to convince myself that maybe it's nothing and save what I don't have.

usf bulls
Oct 31, 2007, 06:50 PM
I have been sick since Feb 07 with at the time what I thought was the flu. (no vomiting or diharea - extreme body ache, weakness and fever). Since I have had extreme tenderness in my lower back on both sides of my spine aproximately where my ribcage ends and up my spine. I feel constant soreness followed all the way around to the front area of my ribs with most of the pain in the upper section near the breastbone and underneath my ribs. I feel like someone beat me and beat me again. The soreness would be compared to like when you have the wind knocked out of you and it's sore afterwards, and my back - sore to sit, to lay down, ice, heat, it always feels the same. I am tired and have had some weight loss, and am getting worse as the months have passed. Any ideas???
You need to get either a bone scan, MRI or CT scan of the lumbar spine. You can negotiate cash prices with many Radiology offices. You'll probably need a prescription, but I would contact a few radiology places first to minimize costs. The weight loss and tiredness are concerning. I am a chiropractor and personally, I would send you out for at least one of those tests even before treating you. Hopefully you have a primary care physician, I would check with them. If you are female, have you had your pcp perform a breast exam on you? Depending on your age, a whole host of things could be a possibility. Seek out a professional, tell them you have no insurance and ask if they have cash prices and MAKE SURE you get the proper tests run.

Oct 31, 2007, 06:57 PM
You NEED to be seen by a medical professional. This could be something very simple or something as serious as kidney disease, which, if not treated properly, can cause permanent and irreversible damage. It could be gallbladder, sheesh, any number of things, butit must be addressed, diagnosed and dealt with properly.

I understand your lack of insurance, but many places these days, here in the US anyway, give a discount to people who are uninsured, you can also set up payment plans with many doctors.

Please get this checked out, it has gone on too long already.

Nov 1, 2007, 04:13 PM
I appreciate all the advice!! Does anyone think that if I go into the doctor and tell her I want blood test run that there are certain blood test I want her to run along with the regular blood work up? Would this show enough to know which route to take in regards to further testing? I do not believe it is my gallbladder and am also concerened as to kidney, pancreas, and of course, the unmentionable of cancer. I have had a complete hysterectomy and have certainly not followed the norm with all this in my 20's. I am now 40. I already have sooo many medical bills from years past and am trying to be cautious without being anymore stupid than already waited all this time.

usf bulls
Nov 1, 2007, 04:36 PM
If you go see the doctor, don't play doctor. Let them run whichever tests they deem necessary. Just let them know your financial status and you would like only relevant tests run. Not sure about the blood test question, since the pain is in the low back I would definitely suggest a lumbar MRI. Good luck.

Nov 1, 2007, 05:05 PM