View Full Version : Pilot Light of my furnace does not stay lit for longer

Oct 30, 2007, 11:09 AM

The pilot light of my furnace does not stay stay lit very long. I have been having this problem for a while. Last time it lasted only for 2 days and after that just went off.

Things I have done to prevent that:
1. Changed the thermo couple (copper) (the coil is longer than needed or longer than old one.
2. I have closed the back and garage doors all the time to prevent blowing off the pilot light.
3. It is a old furnace but still works.
4. changed the filter recently.

I also like to know what are the things I need to do to maintain the furnace.

Thinsg I have been doing to light the pilot light:

1. shutt the room thermostat to OFF position.
2. shutt the furnace wall swith to OFF position and pilot light knob to off position and wait for five minutses.
3. Furnace wall switch to ON position and light the pilot light.
Once the pilit light is on. Then room thermostat to ON position

(Is this Right) Sorry this might be a dumb question to some of the people. I am learning.

Thanks and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oct 30, 2007, 04:22 PM
Could be you have the thermocouple stuck into the flame to far or not enough. You want the tip and about 1/2 to 3/4 inches in the flame. You might also have a restricted pilot orifice. This can be caused by spider webs or dirt. The orifice is located in the pilot assembly where the aluminum pilot tube is located.