View Full Version : Can't sleep/insomnia

Oct 13, 2007, 08:59 PM
I've had trouble sleeping for about as long as I can remember. When I was in high school I would go to bed around 2 in the morning and get up for school at 6. I never really have problems through the day being tired or anything I just can't go to sleep at night.

I have given up caffine with no results, as well as nicotine with no results. I've tried over the counter sleep aids and they don't work either.

Just looking for any other suggestions or advice.

Oct 13, 2007, 09:12 PM
This may sound nuts but if you also suffer from depression some SSRI's can help you sleep. There is also melatonin that you can get at a health food store take it right before you go to bed. You can also try relaxation techniques. Or my personal favorite - sex, works every time.

Oct 13, 2007, 09:28 PM
Oh sex works I just feel bad (sometimes) waking my wife up at night lol

Oct 17, 2007, 07:27 AM
If you find nothing helps, no techniques, supplements, or sleep aids (prescription or not) weather it be for sleep or an underlying emotional disorder, it may be helpful to get a sleep study done. This could help diagnose what the problem is with a coarse of treatment.

Insomnia Guy
Dec 6, 2007, 04:48 AM
You probably have already, but have you seen your doctor? 9 out of 10 they'll probably just tell you to chill out and give you some lame advice. Having said that, it's still a good idea.

It's odd that you say you don't feel tired in the day- most insomniacs dread this the most! I mean, if I could stay awake until 2 and wake up at 6am and feel fine- that would be fine.

Sleep deprivation is a pain in the you know what. But the exhaustion and lack of concentration (and will to live in the day) is worse.

Have you tried exercise and engaging in mental activities in the day? Exercise actually increases the need for deep sleep. I do still recommend that you see a doctor.

Dec 6, 2007, 07:25 AM
Actually as long as you feel healthy and energetic and no depression or anything often some people only require a few hours sleep because their metabolism and so forth is balanced really well. As long as you aren't tired during the day or anything count it a blessing.
I am the opposite I can fall asleep any where any time and most often tired throughout the day and wish I could limit my sleep from midnight to 6 or 7 am.
As long as it is not due to physical or mental problems count it a blessing.