View Full Version : Wake up spitting, Pee a lot, dry mouth?

Oct 12, 2007, 09:20 AM
I have come to believe I have dry mouth because I can't breathe through my nose enough so I sleep with my mouth open, also. When ever I wake up I need to cough stuff feels like from the bottom of my throat and spit it out, normally brown, yellow or white. Also when ever I drink things I have to pee soon after, and normally more than once. I've been told maybe diabetes but I have had these problems for many years, but recently my spitting problem does not go away until later in the day now, before it would be gone within 2 hours or less now its until around 12noon any ideas?

Oct 12, 2007, 09:27 AM
Are you a smoker? How often do you drink? Do you get high?

Oct 12, 2007, 09:58 AM
I don't smoke anything, ever. And when I say drink I don't mean alcohol, some times I drink beer but no where near excessively