View Full Version : About Warts

Oct 9, 2007, 06:33 PM
I was viewing the thread about warts and such and had a question of my own (sorry, I didn't want to commit the thread stealing crime :p).

Are all warts caused by HPV? Or just genital warts? I have never in my life had a genital wart, but I have had a Plantar's wart on my pinky toe. Does that mean I have HPV?

I am kind of freaked out after reading that other thread. I thought I just got the wart from my shoes being to tight or something along those lines.

Oct 9, 2007, 07:04 PM
I had planters warts too many times to count when I was in grade school and never had the HPV. My daughter never had a wart in her life and she got the HPV. The HPV warts can lead to infertility but she got the HPV taken care of and now she is pregnant. I have had friends who can not get pregnant because of the HPV warts.

Oct 9, 2007, 07:06 PM
Oh good for your daughter! I'm happy for her!

I'm having a hard time understanding what warts come from where, or if they all come from the same source. When I was younger people told me warts came from touching frogs :p

Oct 15, 2007, 06:22 PM
All warts are from a sometimes less severe form of HPV, or infections which are directy related. However, having a wart on your toe is nothing to worry about. You probably don't have HPV.

Nov 3, 2007, 06:27 PM
No hpv is a specific type of warts consisting of a hundred or so different strains. All warts are not caused by hpv. But hpv can lead to warts in other areas such as the throat and sometimes stomach anal and hands.