View Full Version : Pain from laptop?

Oct 6, 2007, 01:44 AM
I am a post-menopausal woman with the following problems:
I have had burning pain in my genitals and lower abdomen for about 10 months, a period during which I have worked a lot with my laptop on my lap.
I have consulted 3 urologists, 3 gynecologists, tried different hormone creams,
Had my bladder and bowels examined inside, been tested for parasites and environmental poisons, had many ostheopathic treatmenst and am now being treated with akupuncture and Chinese herbs. The pain is getting stronger. Could it have something to do with my laptop?
Do laptops radiate? I have an Acer travelmate 4070.

Oct 6, 2007, 03:38 AM
Many laptops get very hot. Many have their air intakes under the laptop, so in esscence it's a misnomer. Note that most "Laptops" are called "Notebooks".

I created a little "Notebook to laptop converter" and it's been working very well and doesn't take up much space. Commercial notebook coolers are bulky.

Parts: required:

1) 1/4" thick Plexiglass or acrylic cut the size of the laptop. A carbide blade on a circular saw works the best yo cut it.

2) Double foil/bubble wrap Insulation. I forget the name of the stuff, but it was avialable at a local hardware store. It was similar to this stuff. Single bubble double foil insulation (http://www.radiantbarrier.com/bubble-foil-insulation.htm)

3) Aluminum foil re-inforced tape. Something like this: http://multimedia.3m.com/mws/mediawebserver?66666UuZjcFSLXTt5xfXmXs6EVuQEcuZgVs 6EVs6E666666--
I picked it up at an HVAC supply house.

The bubble-wrap/insulation is taped to the acrylic on one side. The bubble wrap side rests on your lap giving it a cushion. The aluminum will reflect some of the heat away from your lap. The hard surface gives your "notebook" a hard surface to rest on.

You'll be happier and your notebook will be happier.

It's been holding up very well and easily fits in a notebook bag.

If you need pictures, I'll see what I can do. Hot things sitting on male reproductive organs are not good. It may be the same or females as well.

Oct 8, 2007, 07:47 PM
The plexiglass isn't good enough. You have to provide a radiation barrier. The aluminum foil will reflect heat back to the laptop twice. Once it hits the first foil and again when it hits the second foil. There is an R-value of about 9 due too the air and foil.

With just a piece of plexiglass your making the laptop happy and it won't overheat, but you still will. Try to add the bubble wrap double foil insulation. If it's still not cool enough inchrase the number of layers.

The aluminum should provide some attenuation from and Radio Frequency energies as well

Oct 10, 2007, 06:19 PM
Have you had your spine looked at?

The pain may be the result of a "pinched nerve" in the lower spine.

Garce and Peace