View Full Version : Can I use peroxide to clean out excess ear wax?

Oct 5, 2007, 08:55 AM
I somewhat remember my mom doing this when we were kids, I think.

I have major wax buildup and it is really bothering me, and hindering some hearing. Not to mention that I am constantly popping them right now because they feel "blocked" some. They are also very itchy. I suspect I'm coming down with a cold because they feel drainy (you know that feeling in your ears when you have a cold) and my throat tickles.

Anyway it is obvious I have too much wax as it is clumpy (I know ewww). Can I clean them out with peroxide? I think if I use a q-tip I'll just push it in there further there is so much.

I have no health insurance and just to walk into the cheapest clinic around is $75 without any tests or rx's or anything. I have no money and no one will take payments of any kind I've called around. I really need a home remedy until I get some health insurance of some kind.

Oct 5, 2007, 08:58 AM
Yes hydrogen peroxide can be safely used to "dissolve" the ear wax. You just lay on your side and drip in a few drops (use an eye dropper or I wet a q-tip with hydrogen peroxide and let it drip into my ear) allow it to sit for a few minutes and turn your head.

There is also a new product that I just saw a commercial for that has a reverse sprayer on it (I think Murad makes it) that you squirt it into your ear and solution doesn't push inside your ear it sprays out while dissolving wax. That might be another option because I know when I have a lot of wax and use hydrogen peroxide it sometimes does more bad then good.