View Full Version : Wondering if I injured or hurt my heart in some way?

Sep 25, 2007, 07:15 AM
Last night I was sitting at the computer and felt a little discomfort in the center of my chest. Nothing really unusual just a different feeling. Nothing I could not tolerate or was greatly concerned about. However I began to gently push all over the center of my chest and towards the left side of my chest just to see if I had any discomforts when I pressed on places on my chest. A few places felt a little uncomfortable but again nothing that really alarmed me. The problem Im not having is a little bit after I did this I started to feel different feelings in the center of my chest that were now more than discomfort. Again not something that I could not handle but just not very comfortable. It lasted the rest of the night and continues on now this morning. It kind of feels like my chest is leaking in a sense not sure if that makes any sense or not. Just kind of feel funny things in the center now and its just puzzling to me. So Im wondering if when I was pressing around my chest if I could have hurt or injured my heart in any way I really don't think I pushed that hard because I did not feel any discomfort when I did push. Just a side not I have in recent months had 2 EKG's which have come out completely normal and 2 Echocardiograms which have also come back with wonderful results. Really hoping someone has some information because Im driving myself crazy with this. Thank you so much!

Sep 25, 2007, 07:34 AM
I noticed your user name is mommy2be.
Does this mean you're pregnant?
One possibility comes to mind,
Women can sometimes get chest pains when their pregnant from gas and indigestion.
Personally, I feel it's a lot worse when pregnant because everything is so squished inside.
If you've already seen doctors and had tests ran that came back normal, try not to worry yourself.
Stress and especially anxiety can also cause chest pain as well.