View Full Version : Here I got a lot of questions

Sep 23, 2007, 09:12 AM
So I got a few questions to ask.
I have dark skin and I would love have white skin. Does anyone know any whitening creams that really work in a short period?(2-4 months)
And do hey really make you 'white'? Is it true that they stop working once you stop using them? And is it true that permanent whitening creams won't tan however much I sit in the sun?
And does anything else work like bleaching or anything? Do they have any side effects?
I am an indian girl.
Sorry for so many questions.
Hope you can answer them.

Sep 23, 2007, 10:22 AM
This would be expensively done by a skin doctor. DO NOT try to do this yourself, you will damage your skin. Any products you can buy will have consequences. Lightening your skin is not as simple as lightening your hair. I don't know why you want to change your skin color, but the Creator had a definite plan in mind when he made you the way you are. Seek your Divine Destiny.

Nov 1, 2007, 12:12 PM
There is a lot of skin lightening product to help you get lighter, fair and lovely, so white, fair and white,clear and white, vico,ambbi etc. the majority of lightening products, it is recommended that you stay out of the sun and use sunblock. The exposure to sun tends to darken the skin instead of lightening it. Stoping the treatment after a while will return your skin back to its natural colour. If you have sensitive skin you can mix the cream or lotion with vaseline or anything without strong chemicals. There are no side effects that I know of and they do work fast depends on if you use it everyday hope I helped.:)