View Full Version : Blacking out

Sep 22, 2007, 07:42 PM
Usually when I wake up or walk sometimes I start to black out just out of nowhere I also have breathing problems but my parent's say I'm just fine? The last time I blacked out was in the summer. I was not in the sun for more then 15 minutes so it was not dehydration. Do you think I should go see a doctor?

Sep 23, 2007, 02:16 AM
The first and most important thing that you should do is see a doctor. No one on this site can diagnose what may be wrong with you. Even if someone on this site were a doctor, it would be very irresponsible of him or her to diagnose you without seeing you in person first.

If I were you, I would insist to your parents that you go to a doctor. If they won't listen to you, then I would check with a nurse at school and tell him or her what is going on.